The first adventures of the young reporter appeared on the 10. January 1929 in a Supplement to the Brussels newspaper “Le Vingtième Siècle”. Tintin – as Tim in the Original French, traveled – to the “Land of the Soviets”. It is a further 23 books, which were devoured by generations of children and young people – adventure stories, sometimes Fantasy, sometimes Science Fiction-Touch followed. Hergé, missed you again and again, a political point of view, what are the Comics also makes for adult readers still fascinating.

Now, we could query your Knowledge of the volumes, the shapes are called, and what distinguishes it. But it’s all on Wikipedia. Instead, we have shown single scenes from the books to identify it. Which is from what Band? Admittedly, this is difficult. But many of the “Tintin is likely to be branded”adventures in memory, as other Highlights from the Childhood. You try it, good luck!

(editorial Tamedia)

Created: 10.01.2019, 19:50 PM