Always, when someone on the compulsion complained to the politically Correct over the morally more and more closely drawn corsets, gender-appropriate language and the requirement to take on all sorts of marginalized groups consideration, you will hear the same answer: That’s not true at all. Left speech and thought bans were a phantasm were, everyone could say everything. You have to stop also expect criticism and opposition. And it’s true: Especially in the social media is a lot written on it, what would keep the authors to better yourself.

but It is equally true, that outrage is increasingly taking the place of reason. It has never been so easy, to lead public campaigns against unpopular positions or people. There are many examples of outrage or abusive campaigns against professors, intellectuals, artists, or journalists to be branded as reactionary, racist or transphob, for example because you use an incorrect personal pronoun for a Person.

Or because they point out in the lecture that there are biological differences between men and women. Or because they have drawn on a queer wall, a black lesbian with thick lips and a TRANS woman, not looking happy enough in the world of painting, as it happens to the Schwulcomix artist Ralf König is not.

“There are in the modern web, feminism is a longing after purity and an inability to ambivalence to endure.”

Now you can argue that one must withstand. However, it is not only the individuals concerned – of course, such campaigns is always to generate public pressure. And, as a result of this pressure, it can lead to cautions or dismissals, and sometimes sponsors are pulling out, because such outrage to damage the public View. According to careful many journalists, professors, and intellectuals have become in some topics.

this was The last round of the woman’s strike. Privately, many of the men noted that they had already had a couple of questions. Journalists wondered whether the media made too much of thing in common. Publicly, hardly anyone wanted to be.

to do that, you have to have “ass in the pants,” as the philosopher Svenja Flasspöhler calls it. In an Interview with the German “daily” summed up the editor-in-Chief of philosophy magazine, an equally dedicated as controversial feminist, what is your opinion in the left and feminist discourse today is wrong.

Indirectly Flasspöhlers was confirmed by a critique of the discourse of denial so.

to authorize Aggressive Morals, the critical examination of have replaced, instead of arguments, you try today with feelings to create effect. The same thing she accuses the MeToo debate and, therefore, the so-called Hashtag feminism, the women force in the victim role and to lead a moral totalitarianism. And that criticism will lead immediately to the fact that the critics would be pushed in quite a reactionary corner.

How to confirm your theses, reacted the leading German feminists because it is also rather despicable. Examples of level here “”-columnist Margarete Stokowski mentioned, the alleged Flasspöhlers, you’ll a Nazi decried, and feminists refused to discourse with her, tweeted: “Uff, hard fate.” Others maintained that the criticism is so contradictory that a substantive argument to forbid it. Indirectly Flasspöhlers was confirmed by a critique of the discourse of denial so.

Alice Black as a Racist addressed

You can Flasspöhlers theses refuse to MeToo, but she meets wound points: you are right, that a movement like MeToo leads without a minimum degree of self-distance to the point of absurdity. Just because the movement was so successful, it needs a new objectivity that is now the movement itself and their limits shows. And Yes, there are in the modern web, feminism and the Left is a longing after purity and an inability to ambivalence to endure. Prefer to go critics out of the way, blocking you on Twitter, defames you, and no longer speaks with them. And some of my colleagues do not greet once more.

can not only report Flasspöhler, but also Alice Schwarzer, which will always be addressed again aggressive as Racist, because it is against the headscarf.

It is these dynamics that cause damage to the public debate and lead to greater social fragmentation. Which is why we all would do well for us with indignation a bit more to hold back and to deal a little more with arguments.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.06.2019, 09:18 PM