At the Hungarian state Opera in a production of “Porgy and Bess has been running for more than a year”. Szilveszter Okovacs has been occupied exclusively by white singers. However, this is not the will of the composer George Gershwin. Now 15 of the artists declared themselves to be African-Americans. the Alex Rühle Alex Rühle
Alex Rühle, born in 1969, studied literature, philosophy and French in Munich, Berlin and Paris and works since 2001 as an editor and culture reporter in the features section.
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Difficult, since when the 15 white singers feel as an African American, they All play for over a year. 27. January 2018 Porgy and Bess “” at the Hungarian state Opera in Budapest Premiere. George Gershwin himself had decreed that his Opera about the life of African-Americans in the United States is allowed to be played in the 1870’s exclusively Black. To has during his lifetime, he Directors, the offered had forbidden, to make up white actors to black, to perform the work.
Szilveszter Okovacs, the intendant of the Staatsoper, it was no matter, in his staging of White people play it exclusively. Since the rights holders now want to proceed in court, he submitted, as the piece was re-listed, all of the Actresses and actors a statement. Apparently, 15 of the 28 singers, the Letter was signed, according to which “African-American heritage and awareness form an integral part of” their “identity”.
Now Szilveszter Okovacs as a close friend of Viktor Orbán. Orbán and his government, always trying to score points with xenophobia, racism and anti-Semitism in their electorates. You refer to Hungary as the last bulwark against the “Invasion of barbaric migrant hordes” rushing against different coloured and celebrate the “ethnically-homogeneous community of the Magyars” as a nationalist, identitarian counter-proposal to the European individuality concept. And now the Budapest singer to singers of a sudden African-American origin, and consciousness the course will grow up to be?
In Hungarian media said that the artist had been subjected to massive pressure to sign. Okovacs himself said in an Interview that he knew nothing of the color of the skin of his employees. “In Hungary there are no skin colors-tab.” And as the magazine Index to him the incident, he replied with 22 questions, including: “Could life 15 non-white artists who would be suitable, at the Opera professionally, in today’s Hungary?” Sounds like a confession that the is actually hardly possible.
In the summer of 2018, the Opera was already in the headlines. At the time, Billy Elliot has been taken from the game plan, because reactionary groups had warned that the piece could entice young viewers to homosexuality.