Tom grief, they occur at the end of June as one of three Swiss in Klagenfurt in the reading competition for the prestigious Ingeborg-Bachmann-prize. Who has nominated them?
The Juror, Michael Stein, editor-in-chief of “the Literary month”. He asked me if I had a fabric for Klagenfurt. I’m working on a new novel and gave it to him to read the beginning. Apparently, he liked him.

to Look at the participants box, you could be as a 58-Year-old father to a line of the Reading. Does it bother you?
no, not at all. I think that’s a distinction. My texts appear to represent “Young literature”, which has surely to do with a certain Format-Rebellion in my work. Anyone who reads me, is a risk to exceed the limits of what makes new experiences possible.

they are considered to be the most famous author who has been nominated for this year’s Bachmann prize. How are you doing with the pressure?
at my age, one feels a certain Serenity. To no fatih escort longer care about the opinion of others, it means freedom. My chances of a prize are not anyway particularly great, because my Public Persona is probably in the way. To Klagenfurt In previous reports, I was announced as a “Star” and my past as a so-called “Borderline journalism” spread.

have you been to Klagenfurt: in front of a quarter of a century. In 1994, there was a competition for journalists who applied for the Joseph-Roth-award. Do you still remember?
Sure. I was invited by the then “world week”-editor-in-chief, Jürg Ramspeck with my portrait of the American writer Richard Ford, which was published in the “magazine”. In Klagenfurt, a faux pas I but. I realized that I should have to present the nominees for the Text; instead, I presented the O. J. Simpson process a new Text.

And now they are back in Klagenfurt, but as a man of letters. Right?
Yes, you could assume that I am arrived where I heard always been hung.

“My new work tells the story of a Helvetian “Taxi Driver”. It travels to the end of the night”

And, are considered a provocation?
no. Provocation is no longer of interest to me. Text Only Work. And I will certainly not let me to connect my reading kind of action. In this regard, Rainald Goetz is not to surpass his genius.

you mean his appearance, with the blade carved in 1983 with a razor to the forehead and with blood streaming down her cheeks his Text presented.
Yes, Rainald Goetz corresponded at the time, my idea of a Punk writer, and was for a while a model. A price has not been received in spite of his action. (laughs) In my case, it is sufficient today that I just in Klagenfurt reading, which for many is provocation enough. My Text is created pretty classic, as the existentialist movement, perhaps in the Tradition of Sartre’s “disgust”. It is a personal sadness, a sadness even to the possible end of the world, and what’s the impact on the own perception.

On the Website of the Bachmann prize, all participants introduce themselves in a video portrait. They glide as a lonely limo driver in a Rolls-Royce through the night in Bern, while you say in the Off phrases such as: “I only drive at night, that calms me down. My passengers dictate the destination of the trip, in my head I’m going, where I want to go.”
(laughs) The Video we shot with the mini-budget of 1600 francs, which had provided us with the organizer. It is a pure Bernese production, shot in just four hours at night in the Wylerquartier. Anyone who has seen the Video is amazed by the Production Value. I wanted my limo goes through a kind of dystopian landscape, through industrial districts. Berne and Switzerland as a nightly Nonplace.

the Video Is also a Teaser for her new book “bad parents”, to appear in the spring of 2020?
Yes, actually. I read in Klagenfurt, the beginning of the Chapter. When I returned in 2016 after almost 30 years abroad, and the death of my wife Nina with one of my two sons from Los Angeles to Bern, I worked occasionally as a tennis teacher and for a few months of research purposes as an Embassy driver. My new work tells the story of a Helvetian “Taxi Driver”. There are trips to the end of the night. After my return I had a very ambivalent relationship with Switzerland. I actually wanted to get out of the car, a fiction, had to say that I my wife can’t liberate even a year after the death of the grieving process. Maybe it was the success of “Nina & Tom” – the book has just been published in the United States in the English Translation – which caused me to fall off the wagon. Anyway, I felt in Bern, such as alienation, for me, creates again and again the most powerful creative Motivation. Earlier, it was the endless summer of Los Angeles that made you feel melancholy. Then the Swiss came. And the endless grief.

In this context, you have said that you can endure the Switzerland only in the night.
As a literary stylistic means to me the night in Switzerland, like extremely. The darkened, deserted landscape, night-time streets as curfew. But also as a play area for the fantastic realism of the Swiss night works for me perfectly. Many people don’t know anything about the apocalyptic Nothing that exists in your country between midnight and six o’clock in the morning. In any case, a free space during these nightly rides, a free space for the own perception was.

What was that for a Fahrerjob?
it is Interesting in this connection only what I make of it is literary – I’ll pick people in the night, you are my passengers, my Resonance. The driver is influenced by his deceased wife, which has already announced it in “Nina & Tom”. When you think of the Greek mythology, my Taxi Driver, a kind of Charon rowing as a ferryman and his passengers across the river of death. But the fact that it is just the hits new heights at the Grimsel. The endless brutal Gotthard tunnel. The self-destructive A1.

The theme of grief is in the centre?
Yes, the grief and the influence of the dead over the Living. Grief is a taboo topic, unless you of “The Walking Dead” or a Zombie-Comedy well to distract and entertain. How long you should mourn a man: a couple of days, a month, a year, the whole of life? Should you die as a Loving, maybe too easy, to join you in the realm of the dead with the Loved one again? In the sense, a Sequel to “Nina & Tom”, in the me Nina threatens to in the last sentence of the book the death is my new book.

do not Fear that the Jury will discuss in Klagenfurt less about your Text but about allegedly unfair practices, how to establish authenticity?
Actually, would focus the Jury solely on the submitted Text, for which I was nominated. My Text for Klagenfurt has been checked by my Juror, carefully, and with the same means as plagiarism hunters available. If, however, the Jury decided to talk more about my past than about the Text, then I ask myself these questions. Then we can talk also in concrete terms, copyright, on the sampling of Goethe, Shakespeare, Hemingway, Truman Capote, and a long outdated genius concept. Also about how our culture since the ancient Greeks, through sampling, is constantly renewed has.

Sampling as a creative process?
Yes, Sampling has nothing to do to Write off with. It is a process in which Existing constantly re-assembled. Significant literary texts always have a great use-value, its lasting value will decide in the end, only the emotional impact, the reading is a pleasure, eternity. (The Federal government)

Created: 23.06.2019, 15:15 PM