A couple with a mature man and a significantly younger woman can also be described with the not-so-neutral terms:

An old pig and a gold digger. Implied: He takes her only for her crisp body, and she is after his money.

We know, of course, that there may be other motives behind people’s choice of partner, but many nevertheless look quite negatively on relationships, when there is a big age difference.

It shows the research in the scientific journal ‘Personality and Individual Differences’.

Although it is very widespread with a small age difference (both in terms of preferences and actual choices), where women will have a bit older men who like want a slightly younger woman, the meetings the relations with the major difference often contempt.

A number of us evolutionspsykologer has looked at how the 430 men and women view relationship, where the man is much older (at least 20 years) than the woman.

They should e.g. describe it as acceptable, disturbing, or disgusting.

the Researchers expected that participants ‘ attitudes would be parallel with their self-interest. For example, to young women than mature women believe that a young-woman-with-older-man relationship is ok, because the young women so that both can choose a sexy young man and a mature rich man.

The mature woman would, according to the researchers ‘ hypothesis, it seems that the type of relationship is far worse, because it means the mature of increasing and strong competition from the young bimbos.

Also expected to the researchers, the reverse in relation to men: The young men would care less about the young-woman-with-older-man relationship, because their chances to score young women will fall, because the rich old comes to the dish.

And at the same time, the older gentleman think that the type of relationship is appropriate, because it allows them to go after the young meat.

It turned out that the hypotheses partially fell to the ground. The young people in the study were more opposed to relationships with big age difference than the older participants. And this applied to both men and women, which was just being judgmental.

It may be that young people are more idealistic (due to lack of experience) about love, and that, therefore, they think that the kind of relationship is wrong. It can also be due to the fact that older people just seem disgusting to the young, or that young people have more to lose in relation to their reputation, if compared with the big age difference is regarded as exploitative.

And here, the researchers had a short in the sleeves, while at the same time also inquired into participants ‘ attitudes to prostitution – from the mindset that many of them just look young-woman-with-older-man a little as a sugar babe sugar daddy relationship, which indirectly is money between the parties: it attaches To the pair other motives than pure love, it is more about the exchange of resources than mutual tenderness and care.

The male participants in the study was over a broad area, more accepting opposite buying sex than women. It was most marked for the elderly, especially older women, to a far greater degree was judgmental about prostitution.

Furthermore, it appears then, that the more you found sex work acceptable, the more it seemed also about relationships with big age difference. Women’s condemnation of these relationships could be far along the way be explained by the lack of acceptance of prostitution. For men, there was not the context.

And what does it mean? The researchers are in doubt, they forgot to ask the participants why they have the attitudes to sex work and the age difference. But a possible explanation is this:

A woman may feel her relationship to men threatened by rivals who are willing to exchange sex for other resources, such as money, power, status. It can call skruebrækkerteorien, which also tøjter, whores and unfaithful women are undercutting the ‘virtuous’ woman.

Men who do not care about relationships with significant age difference, may have other motives. And here drawers the researchers hideously know that did not come with the bid.

With a little good will may be possible explanations in the two theses, which the scientists will have explored going forward:

Is a large age difference in the relationship in general surrounded by condemnation, because it reminds a little of incest, which is universal tabuiseret and considered nasty?

And how to play the attitude to the age difference together with the attitude to other moralrelaterede topics as infidelity?

Other research has looked at how old we would prefer our sex partners to be – and whether it is changing in relation to how old we are.

Cliché prescribe that men will always go after the younger woman, preferably in the 20’s, while women as a starting point prefer a man who is slightly older than themselves.

And it does – partly.

the Researchers analyzed data from 2655 Finnish men and women between 18-50 years about their partnerpræferencer and the age of the actual sex partners.

the Participants had to answer two main questions. What is the youngest and the oldest, you can imagine, that your sex partner can be? And what age did your recent sex partners?

the Age of the youngest possible person, you would consider having sex with, increased with participants ‘ age.

There is much correlation between women’s alderspræferencer and their actual sex partners to a greater degree than men, which is a sign that it is women who are the selective sex.

For the heterosexual men increased age also at the youngest possible sex partner, as they themselves become older: 2 months for each year. For women rose aged more abruptly: 4.5 months per. year.

Which means that when the woman and the man is 50, there is 11 years difference between the two genders alderspræferencer with regards to how much younger they may be.

the Age of the oldest possible sex partner also increased, as the participants got older, and it followed roughly the same pattern for all groups, women with a tendency to be ready for sex with men who are older with them yourself.

’the Results suggest that women and men sexalderspræferencer develops differently. As women get older, follows aldersbegrænsningerne, both young and older people their own age. As men get older, do they care for older individuals, but they will continue to have an interest in the younger individuals,’ it sounds in conclusion.

overall, it alters women’s preferences is more in line with age, while men in higher level continues to hold of younger women. Overall, the goes women better after a little bit older than a bit younger, while men tend to go after slightly younger.