the President of Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are no longer ”AMERICA’s most hated jews”. It is a title which is each year awarded by the magazine Forward to a jewish american that the country’s jews have reason to be ashamed of. The last year was bestowed this dubious honor is the 33-year-old political activist from Santa Monica, California, Stephen Miller. In the short time he has made himself known as one of the president Trumps most loyal henchman and one of the most influential persons in the White house.

these well-known people end up on a list of ”America’s most disliked jews” has obviously to do with their both personal and political connection to the country’s president. It is also a measure of how unpopular he is among AMERICA’s jewish minority group, where opinion is divided after two years with Trump in power.

perceived as opportunists who, of familjelojalitet or because of economic interests, engaged in Donald Trump’s election campaign and later administration. But Stephen Miller is not only a shrewd anpassling. He is a pronounced extremhöger-sympathizer. Already as a college graduate, he shared out a student newspaper which contained harsh criticism against the ”political correctness”, which, according to him characterized the political debate in the united states. He attacked even liberalism, which, he argued, dominate the universities in southern California. He has been invited to participate in the conservative radio show where he criticized the state’s right to power, and expressed its support for the vapenlobbyn. He calls himself ”american patriot”, a rewrite of ”högerextrem nationalist”.

Stephen Miller shocked many american jews when he came out as an enthusiastic supporter of the immigration policy of ”zero tolerance”, which in practice means invandringsstopp and the expulsion of illegal immigrants, including their U.S.-born children.

Donald Trump embraces also wholeheartedly support an ideology that promotes a vision of America as a white, christian nation-state – all of which many american jews see as a threat to their own well-being.

he for those americans whose simplistic worldview gives space to conspiracy theories that divides a society into two groups: the ”people” and ”elite”. Step to the ”hidden” forces that govern the world, is not far. Concepts such as cosmopolitan, globalist, Soros, the people’s enemies, the signals anti-semitism, and xenophobia – they are all codewords for ”jews”. Stephen Miller seems to thrive well in environments where the type of perceptions is considered par for the course.

Read more: Miller’s xenophobic statements have a key role in the White house

the president of The republic, admittedly, has been hailed in conservative jewish circles (as well as the Benjamin Netanyahu government) for its ”support for Israel and the jewish people” when he met the two symbolic promises from the election campaign: to move the american embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and to withdraw from the kärnenergiavtalet with Iran. But many more have distanced themselves from his policies and behaviour at home where he demonstrated both the history and sensibility in matters of anti-semitism, White power, nationalism, immigration and incitement to violence against political opponents.

wrote the president Trumps speech after the election victory in 2016 – attention-grabbing uncompromising in content and tone – which he formulated AMERICA’s new, more restrictive, immigration policy.

Along with the then republican chefsstrategen Steve Bannon and cheered on by the White power-extremisten Richard Spencer, he has advocated a law which in practice means a inresestopp to the united states for citizens of muslim countries. Miller is also the in the us administration, which ivrigast advocated ”family separation policy”, which means that thousands of Latin american immigrants and their american children to be declared stateless; thousands have been locked up in camps at the border to Mexico, in anticipation of the expulsion.

the Television images, showing the refugee camps with the ”illegal immigrants” and the fragmentation of families, evokes unpleasant associations of the U.S. jewish population, often with roots in Eastern europe and with the experience of persecution and discrimination. But Stephen Miller’s part of the mexican immigration is only a threat – in the form of drug trafficking, fully independent churches and trafficking – that must be defeated, with the help of a wall or a fence. He has even used the German word ”infest” to tackle illegal immigrants who are ”flooding” America. The word means torment and pest, and the use of language reminiscent of anti-semitic hate speech in 1930s Nazi germany.

the administration received the title of ”security advisor”, has a special reason to relate to the Trumps xenophobic and right-wing populist message. His ancestors fled to America to escape anti-semitism in Belarus in the beginning of the last century. It was five years before the USA closed its borders for jewish refugees, after a dirty ”America first”campaign ”against immigration and for isolationism”.

His uncle David Glosser call, not without reason, his nephew, who formulated Trumps immigration policy, ”a hypocrite”: ”Had the family Miller has not managed to get a refuge in America during the pogroms and the Holocaust in Europe had Stephen and the rest of his family have not been in the day/…/ I would like to invite Stephen to ponder the following: what are the marching and gaping nazis in Charlottesville for the plans for such as he?” (Politico Magazine, 13/8 2018). And he quotes the american-jewish poet Emma Lazarus diktrader engraved on the pedestal to a statue with the Statue of liberty, which meets every migrants on the way towards New York-port:

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

a couple of dozen jewish Trump supporters in the us administration who are willing to support a president who can not distinguish between the marching of nazis and anti-racist demonstrators. These careerists do not care about the president’s verbal violence, his lies and cynicism, contempt for the disabled and women, bias against minorities. They imagine themselves and others to the Trump is of the jews and Israel’s friend – just because he hates muslims.

They don’t care about the president’s verbal violence, his lies and cynicism, contempt for the disabled and women, bias against minorities. They imagine themselves and others to the Trump is of the jews and Israel’s friend – just because he hates muslims.

Stephen Miller, however, is hardly representative of jewish opinion in the united states. A number of jewish representatives and opinion leaders have publicly taken a position against the president of the Trump – at the latest when thousands demonstrated against his presence at the funeral of the victims of the killings in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. Local jewish leaders wrote in an open letter to the president is not welcome in the terrorism hit the city until he condemned the White power nationalism and racism.

All public opinion polls also show that an overwhelming majority of U.S. jews in the last election voted for the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, and a poll conducted by the American Jewish Committee last summer shows that 77 percent of U.S. jews disapprove of the current president’s policies, while 21 percent support Trump. (Among the ultra-orthodox minority, however, the proportion of the Trump-followers betvingande large – approximately 90%!)

In a sermon in the autumn – fittingly enough on jom kippur, the jewish day of atonement – said Neil Comess-Daniels, rabbi of a congregation in Santa Monica, where Stephen Miller has been a member, he obviously not learned anything of his bar mitsva-teaching. In the liberal israeli newspaper Ha’aretz writes Gordon Fellman, portrayed by that author at the Brandeisuniversitetet in the united states, that Trumps politics is a betrayal of the basic humanitarian principles that define America. Jane Eisner, editor-in-chief of the american-jewish publication the Forward, adding: ”He lacks the hope, optimism, and generosity – all of which is contrary to jewish values and experiences. Stephen Miller, you are not one of us!”

yourself have reason to be reminded of their immigrant backgrounds: his own grandfather came to America from Germany to avoid military service, while his mother was an ”economic refugee” from the poverty of Scotland.

Those who, like Trump, managed to come to the united states in the beginning of the last century did that also today’s immigrants do: helping his children and other family members to follow suit. It was ”chain migration”, family, who built up the american multicultural society.

The new arrivals struggled with the same problems faced by today’s immigrants: language difficulties and lack of knowledge about the country they immigrated to. After four years in the united states, spoke to Stephen Miller’s granny is still only English and hardly any English. His grandfather was denied us citizenship in 1932, after having failed with his medborgarskapstest; he was declared to be too ignorant about what at the time was considered to be ”american”.

the Family of Millers life story was, nevertheless, in spite of everything, an example of a successful integration: from the poor belarusian immigrants to a ”senior adviser” in the White house – in just a couple of generations.