Perfect body, perfect families and relationships and also the things must always be perfect. It is not enough because, if, who, or what is good? Or even just “fit”, as required by the military? Who or what is “perfect”, it can no longer continue to develop. Are the Undead “perfect” people somehow “of”?
F. F.

Dear Mr F.

you are right with your Aversion to the Perfect. Best if you can understand perfection as a state, the only approach, but it can not reach. And at some point the effort for further perfecting to big to want to use it.

This view presupposes, however, that there is perfection at least (if in the infinite distant) virtual or imaginary point really. Exactly, of course, can be understood rightly and common people (which is not in doubt, only stupid). What we commonly refer to as “perfect”, is usually only an increase in the form of “fit”. For example, a long-time produced item that was improved again and again and sometime in a new edition of the production, no more change needs. to say

“From a human, he was perfect, you can understand at best as a compliment – as a serious quality judgment, such a statement is absurd.”

The good old potato peeler is such a thing. The Department store Manufactum trying, for example, to give the impression that there would be a entire range only from such things. It comes to the perfection of such simple things like potato peeler, so the judgment is subject to the constant examination in daily life. As soon as the things and also the purposes, but is more complex, also evaporates the perfection. Not necessarily because these things were bad, but because there are no General criteria for your perfection.

The peeler these criteria arise directly from the use. Only in the case of a simple multi-function tool, cut, screws, and saws, it is more difficult for a Computer perfection criteria, is simply impossible. to say

Of a human, he was perfect, you can understand at best as a compliment – as a serious quality judgment, such a statement is absurd. You can (and should) try to be a better person. You can seek a better relationship with your boyfriend, you may want to be a better father – all well and good. But who wants to be in such matters, is perfect, is in fact a zombie.

The psychoanalyst Peter Schneider answered every Wednesday questions in the philosophy of everyday life. Send us your questions to

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 23.01.2019, 09:31 PM