everyone Dreams?

Yes. We dream every night. Those who dream allegedly never. However, can remember even the most Skilled of only just under 10 per cent of the actually Dreamed of.

What is Dreaming, anyway?

The white of the research to date. In her newly published book, “Why We Dream” and quoted the renowned American science journalist Alice Robb, numerous studies of modern dream research, which show: night head in cinema is a merciless mirror of our real life. In Dreams, feelings and thoughts can have a glimpse of the guard’s head only and often prefer to ignore reveal. But what is really good about the research can speculate. Some scientists believe that we dream to be able to delicate or even dangerous situations, first of all without any risk practice. Others think that dreams have a function, especially a filter you disconnecting the wireless important information of relevance.

Why we dream and never from the office, vacuuming, or from a Smartphone?

“Because the Routine for the Psyche plays no big role, as long as you engaged us emotionally,” says Michael Schredl, one of the leading German dream researcher. However, as soon as something in everyday life will be a burden, it’ll beat you in the dream. “For example, if someone in the office or in the social media is being bullied, it can cause nightmares, even.” Typical scenarios where you can’t move from the spot, although danger threatens. The physical powerlessness reflected the discomfort, to be a real Situation delivered. The evil boss or the Smartphone does not have to happen in a dream, however. Anyone who wants to understand his dreams, should not focus so strictly on the images, because with esoteric symbolism and dream interpretation, today’s science has little in common. “Central to the emotional mood in the dream. It reflects the way we deal with our emotions in everyday life,” says Schredl.

Why dreams are often so illogical and incoherent?

According to Alice Robb most of them are far less bizarre than we suppose. “We are concerned but more with the strange, because we use them as an intense feeling.” Researchers at the University of Zurich were able to demonstrate, for example, that we know 76 percent of the main people in the dream from the waking life. In addition, we will not handle in the night often real events of the day, even if we recognize them at first glance as such, because they occur in a foreign context. 68 percent of the dream of common people, as well as half of the items are met in accordance with the Zurich study on the previous day.

Why we remember so well as never to nice fluffy dreams?

Because they are often irrelevant, and for the Psyche, therefore, uninteresting. “The bad dreams will stay in our memories longer, because you will upset us more.” According to studies, the proportion of good and bad Dreams is almost in balance, however, the good ones are researched far less. The reason is that Therapeutically, it makes more sense to focus on the problematic examples, the references to mental Stress.

Dreams of men different than women?

At first glance, Yes: men dream more of Sex, battle, and weapons. Women are more of dresses and explicit emotions. Also typical: men like to dream of men. Two-thirds of the people in your Dream are male, with women, the sex ratio is balanced. Fixed role images with swing, of course, even in Dreams. Looking at the matter more closely, the differences are largely in line with the everyday behavior to justify. “Men have more of the day sexual fantasies, and masturbate more frequently than women,” says Schredl. What happens at night in our brain, depends less from sex than from during the day Experienced. “We were able to show, for example, that women dream more frequently of men, if you want to spend more time with male work colleagues or friends,” says Schredl. He had analyzed his dreams to this question during his time as a psychology student: “Almost half of my dream staff was female, because I got daily more female students than male-to-face.”

Plays the character in the Dream a role?

Yes. Schredl has recently investigated whether certain character traits at a night Fantasizing voice, and he was able to demonstrate that extroverted people communicate in a dream more and more exuberant than introverts.

Why do we have nightmares?

the mental and emotional strain is too great, can produce our brain – Alb-or even recurring dreams. As Alice Robb writes, about two-thirds of adults the same, mostly negative dream several times in your life. The content can come to be individual, but there are also collective horror scenarios: falling Into a bottomless pit, followed, not able to move, too late. Behind the anxiety, Stress, or repressed issues. “In the dream, fear and runs away from the danger, it suggests that is often on avoidance behavior in everyday life. You don’t want to face up to a Problem, what is our dreaming brain is then in a very concise images,” says Schredl. Some nightmares are so intense that they reverberate during the day – such as when the Partner is gone in a dream foreign. According to a US study by the University of Maryland scorned women the next day are “virtually” on your Partner’s sour, although the army has done nothing wrong, and as a result, there is more dispute.

there Is medication for nightmares?

no. But you can train with the so-called Imagery Rehearsal Therapy in the waking state, to turn the nightmare into a Positive: In case of a fall to the Ground, a building, for example, a parachute into the pajamas, or you can use the arms as wings. The new end of the dream is, then every day for ten minutes for two weeks. Around 70 percent of the Affected dreams then better.

you Can manipulate his dreams in his sleep?

Some people can actually lucid Dreaming is called this Talent. On the Internet, a whole series of instructions on how you can learn these techniques, which is now recognized scientifically. Because researchers are now convinced: The clear dream, once as a figment of the imagination dismissed, can help in the treatment of Nightmares.

you Can dream wise?

Yes. You can use lucid Dreaming specifically for self-optimization. At the University of Bern, the scientist Daniel deals Erlacher, with clear dreams and their application in sports. The one who learns to control his dreams, he could train during sleep, certain motion sequences, and so increase its performance. “From studies, we know that, for example, the dart play the next day improved if you train in a dream,” says Erlacher. Practice in your sleep have similar effects as the real Practice. Still, the use of lucid dreams is not a Standard, but many professional athletes are using this opportunity already.

Why is there no “Dream you fit in 10 minutes”Workshops?

Because that doesn’t work. Maybe dreams have more potential than Meditation, Slow Food, and Power Yoga. But until you can use them for self-optimization, you have to practice to remember something. You should also carry out a dream diary in order to recognize individual patterns. Until you come to useful insights, it can take a couple of years. But then you probably have the ultimate clarity about yourself.

*This article first appeared on 23. December 2018 in the Sunday newspaper. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 26.12.2018, 08:20 PM