“You will increase immigration – but who will pay?”

“Debater: It shall not go to have as a business to earn a living at the expense of others”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. It has been reported a lot about regeringsfrågan and the content of the agreement between the Centre party, the Liberals, the social democrats and the Greens, but surprisingly little about the migration policy-related elements. “

“In practice, the social democrats have gone along with the Centre party and Green party migration policy, in which immigration will increase, without a single proposal to bring down the cost mentioned. Sweden will once again become one of the most attractive countries to get to, and the regular levels hit will increase. “

“whether one is liberal or social democrat, it is not possible to combine a welfare state with free immigration, that is why it is dishonest to increase immigration to reduce the cost.”

“in very specific terms, the reinvention of government to make two major changes in migration policy. The one change is that persons eligible for subsidiary protection get extended right to the family, a right that was taken away in the temporary asylum in 2016, and the other to adjust the maintenance requirement. “

“This requirement has meant that you must be able to support the families through the family immigration to Sweden. “

“Exactly what the effects of this may no one knows, but it is noteworthy that the socialist migration minister Morgan Johansson tried to hide an unpublished report from the Swedish migration board, where the costs are expected to increase significantly. The board expects closer to a half a billion in direct costs, but then there are costs that the state, the municipalities and the regions is allowed to stand for.”

“the Centre party has previously proposed so-called etableringslån, where the newly arrived adults themselves should pay for their own public policy on migration and integration costs. By his own efforts is expected to do right for themselves. “

“Schemes should not be taken for granted, but just be available for those who qualify by working and paying taxes. “

“Unfortunately, there is absolutely this type of proposal in the agreement.”

“the Swedish welfare state should be seen as an insurance system. Premiums paid by salaried employees who are guaranteed a safety net. It is not difficult to understand that if everyone had to take part of the payments but to pay the premiums, in analogy with what happens with the Swedish receipt now, krackelerar to end the system. “

“Why is vänsterregeringens approach to migration unsustainable; generous asylum and family immigration can not combine with a generous welfare state to everything and everyone.”

“Moderate Youth league would like to instead see a differentiated welfare state where only those who first made the right to also qualify themselves in the insurance scheme. “

“Mottagandeersättningen paid to asylum seekers should be lowered, or removed completely, and the bas in the pension scheme shall not be guaranteed the one who never worked in Sweden. Adults must be expected to manage their own livelihoods.”

“the Conservatives proposals for national performance requirements in order to receive social security benefits, and a ceiling should also be included in the settlement. It should not go to have the business concept to permanently support themselves at the expense of others.”

“To set requirements is also to care: by increasing the incentives to self-sufficiency, more people can get jobs and become part of the society. “

“If we believe in people’s ability to take responsibility over their own lives, we must allow for them to stand on their own legs instead of depending on the public. “

“It is the only way we can ultimately get to a world where national borders play less of a role – something that the government’s new samarbetskollegor, at least in the past, said it would achieve.”

“Significantly higher migration and integration costs, fattens support and energy to the forces which the government say they want to limit. The government should develop proposals that reduce costs and protect the taxpayers ‘ money.”

“nBenjamin Dousa, chair MUF”

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