A red hem, a touch of the dark brown and blue runner. Bettina Plattner points to the carpet and says: “He comes from Annabel.” An Alpaca is called lady over there in the fex valley. Their wool has been dyed and processed into carpets in the apartment in Chesa, a la a Punt for warm feet.

Recently added to The Chesa a-la-Punt.

Bettina Plattner and her husband, Richard — 19 spacious apartments in three houses, with other witnesses to the Alpine craft. Bettina walks over to the bed and pulls the pillow from the Cover. She opens the zipper, and wool swells. Here Grisons sheep are the suppliers. The pillows are from a Studio in Savognin, which focuses on the sustainable exploitation of the cuddly fur of the sheep. From the head end of the bed, carved lambs look on the Sleeping; there is a smell in the whole apartment according to pine wood. “The scent of the mountain to receive the Incoming,” says Bettina Plattner. The accommodation in Pontresina to wear the Label Alpine Lodging. Cheap Alpine Chic but you will not find. Neither decorate the deer’s antlers on the wall, still Milchkessi were converted into paper baskets. “We have created in the Engadine, a new type of apartments and a brand,” stated Bettina Plattner.

The apartments are built from high quality local materials, the decor resembles that of a luxury hotel, but charming. Alessi crockery in the kitchen cupboard is part of the inventory, such as a Nespresso machine, or flower vases, which can be equipped, on request, will Choose the categories of “basic” or “opulent”. The clientele, in the majority of Swiss and German, choose from a variety of services – a fridge-filling for Breakfast, intermediate cleaning, or the half-day care of the dog. “We work with twelve external partners,” said Plattner, the System. “In addition to the apartment and the use of the Sauna and steam room, the guest only pays for what he really needs.”

your husband has you. in your pajamas to know

learned The 54-Year-old learned the accommodation of the hand work from the bottom up: Lausanne hotel school, years of apprenticeship at the Dolder Grand in Zurich and the Peninsula Beverly Hills in California, leadership in the Saratz in Pontresina and Directorate in the Castell in Zuoz, always in a Duo with Richard The Maturandin and the South Tyrolean young chef had learned in the hospital from Scuol. “In pajamas,” recalls Bettina Plattner with a grin. She had been admitted because of suspicion of Salmonella infection to the Mini hospital, he was suffering from a brain inflammation of the skin. Since then, the two are an inseparable Pair; the joint company is called, significantly, Plattner & Plattner. “And I can imagine for 23 years, a lovelier residence than the Engadine”, praises the hotel Manager. “Where else can you experience the UPS and downs of the seasons so intense? I love the Engadin light, and also the exchange between high season and the silence in may or November.” The children, Jill and John, 20, and 18, speak Romansh. “I don’t know what could make me float away from the Engadin,” admits Bettina Plattner.

it is neither a mountain peasant child hotelier’s daughter. She comes from betuchtem house, grew up at the Zurich gold coast. The father of Fritz Gerber was the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Roche and Zurich insurance. One of the most powerful business leaders in the country and over the years donors to the Grasshoppers played in the Champions League and the measure of all things in the Swiss football. “Yes,” says Bettina Plattner’s something almost defiantly, “Yes, I come from a wealthy family. The resources I have, thanks to the success of my father, do I invest in the Engadine tourism – always with the view of the big picture.”

Fritz Gerber, now almost 90 years old, can be proud of the youngest daughter. She is not only the Investor and operator of Alpine Lodging, but is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the prestigious three-star hotel Krone in La Punt, sits on the Board of Directors of the Destination marketing organisation Engadin St. Moritz Tourismus AG and gifted network is a Tinker, a sought-after consultant, and a talented writer. Her book, “If couples business,” to date the only work devoted to the German-speaking countries, a quite controversial topic. She is a Strategist, brand and marketing woman. “And we are both creative and good at Implementing ideas and processes. Richard and I complement each other very well.” But above all, Bettina Plattner is a glowing Touristikerin: “I can imagine no other industry. We have a lot of life in it.”

In an interview with the maker from Pontresina, a term that appears again and again: the big picture. What do you mean by that, show the commitment of the Plattner’s in the village: they operate in the office, which is also the reception and Concierge Desk for the apartments, a gallery with art from the Alpine region. And in the village by Plattner & Plattner alimentierte Creative Box, where everyone crafts, paint or knit. Charge only for Material and beverages. “A tourism destination is made up of many elements and partners”, explains the entrepreneur. “If you are not on short-term profit, but in the community brings and something contributes, serves the greater Whole. At the end, all benefit.”

The next litter is already in planning

it is Not a coincidence, it was probably in February, many industry colleagues in the municipal Assembly of Pontresina, an Amendment to the design plan, in the hotel zone, to agree to this. It goes on to the next project. Plattner & Plattner has purchased the angejahrte Hotel Post, which is classified by the Canton Graubünden as a “get value”. Projects: a beautiful and site appropriate new hotel of Gion A. Caminada, was built for celebrity chef Andreas Caminada, the Casa Caminada.

The new Hotel Post will accommodate 30 rooms, seven serviced apartments and a five-second homes. “Everything goes smoothly and without any Objections, we can celebrate the end of 2021 opening,” hopes, Bettina Plattner. Your last great success? “Yes,” she claims, “we run an Accommodation facility with 200 beds and many synergies.” But, who knows: Maybe the big picture still awaits the completion.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 22.12.2018, 19:15 PM