“Your equality is a scam, Ebba Busch Thor”

“LUF: KD sacrificing women’s opportunities as individuals for the ”family’s choice””

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Sweden is not gender equal. Women are less free than men and earn less money. For us to achieve gender equality is needed to both feminism, which looks and combat outdated stereotypes and capitalism that allows women to make more of their own money.”

“of course, we have many successes to be proud of. But those who argue that Sweden is equal is lying. “

“Women take 80 per cent of the parental leave per child and earn over a working life an average of three million sek less than men. It is then no wonder that four of the five fattigpensionärer are women and that women stay in destructive, violent relationships, for they can not afford to escape. 99% of those prosecuted for sexual offences are men, and 96 per cent of those reporting rape are female. Thousands of girls in Sweden live in an inhuman hedersförtryck.”

“this is not equality. Women need more freedom from gender roles, from family and from taxes and contributions, which reduces the scope for women to earn and save money. “

“for a long time, it has in Sweden been a good awareness in the stereotypical gender roles that were created during the hundreds of years when women and men were treated differently by the law. But the awareness is threatened by conservative forces. “

“Christian democratic youth league and their moderparti chanting proudly that they are not feminists. They claim that they are indeed taking up the real gender issues such as hedersförtryck and sexual violence. At the same time, they are often last on the ball when equality is being debated. “

“They sacrifice gladly women’s opportunities as individuals, for what they call the family’s freedom of choice. They dismiss the school’s efforts for a more equal environment that does not force children into gender roles as ”genusflum”. The conservative view of equality is outdated and regressive. “

“We need more feminism, not less. It is not about forcing boys to play with dolls and girls with trucks. It is about being aware that girls and boys should not be treated different based on gender. “

“If people want to live according to stereotypical gender roles, it is free to do it given they are funding it themselves. But the least the state can do is to design the activities, contributions and taxes so that they do not perpetuate the inequalities we know exist. “

“the State should treat the individual and not the family as society’s smallest unit. We took away the sambeskattningen and paid parental leave for they made it more profitable for women to stay home instead of working. By the same token, we should brief and to individualize the parental. “

“But to just oppose harmful gender roles is not enough. Ultimately, we must ensure that women as individuals will have greater freedom to design their own life. The freedom is spelled fuck-off capital. “

“the Left have gotten the idea that capitalism, that is to say, universal and equal property rights, counteract gender equality. On the contrary, women need more equity. “

“the Left’s proposal to ban the gains in welfare would be devastating for women, for it is mainly women who are entrepreneurs and employees in the health and social care. The high marginal taxes hit hardest at women more often than men are the earners. “

“A freer market where it is easy to run a business and where you get to keep more of their salary would be particularly good for women.”

“in Order to achieve gender equality, we need to be able to keep two thoughts in your head at the same time, and it manages to neither the socialists and the conservatives with. The christian democrat ”real equality” is a sham, and the left’s aversion to letting people earn money punishes women the hardest. “

“nJoar Forssell, president of the Liberal Youth of sweden”

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