It is in the seemingly innocent movies on children as users have begun to add up tidskoder in the comment for the moment is considered suggestive or arousing. The youtube algorithm, an automated formula that works out what content viewers prefer, then leads on to the clip with the children in similar, compromising situations. Videobloggaren Matt Watson has shown how the users switch child pornography with each other in the comments.
in Addition to the McDonald’s and Disney has even Ikea commercials shown on Youtube in connection with the clips.
Already in the Tuesday chose the furniture giant to pause their advertising on Youtube.
“We do not want to be associated with this type of activities,” says Daniela Rogosic.
There is currently no plan for when Ikea can resume its cooperation with Youtube.
” Oh, it’s very hard to speculate in. But I think like this, it is neither the first nor the last time that this type of activity is detected. What is important is that it worked continually to counter this. For this type of activities should not last.
On social media, the hashtag #wakeupyoutube become a generic petition that many rage against techjättens lack of action.
American telekomjätten AT&T announced härommånaden that after a break of two years decided to start buying advertising on Youtube again, because it believed that the company made adequate efforts to secure the annonsmiljön for brands.