Young the Left has for many years advocated that we should treat the addict, instead of giving them fines and throw them in jail. When the Left went into government, we got the green light for it to be a long-awaited rusreform.

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How a rusreform to look, should be studied further. But it is also important that a new approach to ruspolitikk don’t end up with a report to be placed in a tray. We need to make sure that we get a real shift in the ruspolitikken, which both take hold of the big challenges, but that also lets people get to be a little more at peace.

Here are ten commandments for a successful rusreform:

1. Legalize drugs:
Rusavhengighet is a disease, and it is a bad idea to criminalize diseases. Therefore, we need to stop treating addicts as criminals, and rather give them the helsehjelpen and the dignity all people deserve.

2. State control over the sale of drugs:
today one can buy drugs almost anywhere and when you want. State control will ensure that we can set requirements for the age salgstider and not at least take control of what substances one dose should contain.

3. Separate outlets for lighter fabrics:
Not all substances need to be regulated through prescription and medical care.

4. Taxing the sale of illegal drugs:
Taxation of purchase and sale of drugs can generate large revenues for the state. Today those revenues to criminal networks and terrorist organizations.

5. Do heavier drugs available on the prescription:
The heaviest substances should be made available through prescription or medical treatment. It allows the very heaviest users get a good follow-up and health care.

Ap want rusreform Debate

6. Regulate access for skadepotensial:
Drugs should be regulated by how large the damage they do on the individual and on society. The current law does not reflect it. The heaviest and most dangerous drugs should be regulated strictly, while the lighter substances do not need the same regime.

7. Allow for multiple substances and modes of administration as alternatives in drug consumption rooms:
today, it is only allowed to inject heroin on drug consumption rooms, at the same time that the state initiate awareness campaigns to get addicted to smoking (rather than injecting) heroin. In addition, addicts who use substances other than heroin take doses its outside sprøyterommet. Although it is now being allowed with the several substances in drug consumption rooms, and that can provide training in smoking, does not the proposal far enough.

8. Open for several drugs in ALLOWS:
There are many addicts who do not experience that ALLOWS helps them in sufficient degree. We should open up that LETS can offer more medications than Subutex, and methadone, so that more addicts can get the help they need.

9. The distribution of clean syringes in prison
in syringe distribution in prisons have been proposed in the past. Then said politicians no because you laid emphasis on ”the goal of narkotikafrie prisons and the prohibition against the use of drugs”. We know, however, that many inmates have a drug abuse problem, and are entitled to health care even if they are criminals.

10. Introduce heroin-assisted treatment
unfortunately, It is not every addict who can be helped by replacing the heroin with an approved drug. For that we should be able to help also those who don’t fit in today’s rusomsorg, we should also offer heroin-assisted treatment for the people who need it.