For weak sense holds it to the Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU). The ADAC is and also the car manufacturers oppose a speed limit. The Federal government considers the introduction of a General speed limit on the highway, but expressly for the protection of the climate. Exactly have recently proposed also experts in a government Commission: More than 130 kilometres an hour should be prohibited.

So broke out the discussion on a General speed limit is full once again. The profiteers of a racer-ban could be the end, especially the majority of motorists, even if the focus of the current debate on climate protection.

“Much more relaxed Driving”

What is the impact of a Federal government would have wide speed limit, in fact, know no one. So far, there is only model tests and simulations, says Andreas Knie of the science center Berlin: “My recommendation to the Minister of transport is the speed limit only once, on a nationwide basis. Then you can see if it works.“ The knee is convinced that a speed limit can save lives. Accidents would decrease “significantly”. A speed limit of concern “for much more relaxed Driving.” There would be no speeders, no crowds and less Stress, because the traffic is more evenly flow – good for all, says the scientist.

How dangerous Driving fast is, also knows Siegfried Brockmann. He works for the General Association of the German insurance industry and is the head of an Agency for accident research. At 160 km/h the reaction distance is often too short to be a obstacle and could to Dodge in time, says Brockmann. Especially the elderly would not survive such a collision often. Alone the force of the strap could kill at such a speed.

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says A limit of 130 km/h would reduce the risk of Brockmann. A lot of dangerous braking would be eliminated. The “speed Difference” between fast and slow traffic, would not be so high as now. Overtaking would be less dangerous and also less fatal.

racer-ban consistently

not to enforce “A speed limit alone is sufficient,” says Brockmann. In order to 130 km/h on the highway, the state will need the racer-ban consistently enforce with strict controls on the road, as well as sensitive to fines for traffic offenders. But above all, the social acceptance of speed limits is Central, stressed Brockmann: “we need to start.” Only if a large majority adhered to the speed limit, “no more grass”. For this, there is a need for a General consensus, which presupposes a social debate.

Too low the speed should not be set but, to warn the knee, and Brockmann. From a traffic psychological point of view, belong to a slight tension to the “ideal state of a Driver”, explains Brockmann. If all are with the same pace, a step in many in-car boredom and underload. Then the accident increases the risk again, because the people abschweiften behind the steering wheels on a conceptual level rather than focusing on the traffic. Less than 100 km/h on the highway, therefore, was “for psychological reasons” too little, says knee.

The traffic expert is convinced that a speed limit could also reduce the pollutant load significantly. In previously written to 130 km/h, the CO2 could reduce emissions by up to 25 percent, says knee. A lot of Overtaking and braking maneuvers would be eliminated in the case of a unit speed. This means less strain on the engines and less carbon dioxide from the exhaust.

Anke Rehlinger: Tempo-debate is “poisoned dispute”

Here, the dispute between supporters and opponents of a legal maximum speed is greatest. The environmental groups insist that a speed limit is good for the climate. Car manufacturers and ADAC doubt it.

The Federal environmental Agency has only be-years-old investigations. If 80 percent of the riders would hold on the highway at 120 km / h speed, could be saved, according to a study by three million tonnes of CO2 per year – around three per cent of the annual emissions of the German Car. Will the current “unpublished Considerations of a government Commission” to take the Federal position.

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debate on the Tempo of 130 is A transport Minister with no speed limit

Jakob Schlandt

The debate over the speed limit is a “poisoned quarrel”, the Chairman of the conference of Ministers of transport, Anke Rehlinger (SPD). The Deputy Minister President of Saarland, told the daily mirror that, of course, the transport sector must make a “contribution to climate protection”. Need comprehensive Considerations than an overheated debate about a speed limit be for this, but rather “”.