I attracted with a thousand bucks. My colleague nobbade it also.

All he had to do was to mix in the north Korean hejaklacken and sit there and wave and wiggle on the head just as koreanskorna made with perfect synchronization in the stands during the winter OLYMPICS.

He bangade.

During the OLYMPICS, I went with another colleague, DN:s Jens Littorin, up to the border with north Korea. We were at the museum, looked into north Korea and saw the people over there on the other side.

touched still more. There is something very scary in what a government can do. The people in a group can look like programmed robots, känslouttrycken can see the templated out.

it Is so moulded that we see out on the way to work in the morning? Despite the fact that our heads are full of thoughts, plans, feelings. What was it nordkoreanskorna thought, planned, felt when they sat there and waved?

When Sweden has one of the slalomgulden I stood and waited for a bus when the heel came. I tried to get eye contact with the women. They smiled and looked straight forward.

north korea’s supporting crowd – what are they and what is it they sing?