89.000 police officers had been mobilised at the national level in the face of fears of violence at Saturday’s demonstrations – the fourth Saturday in a row that ”the vests” went out to protest. 8.000 of the 89.000 was earmarked for the capital.

the police at the 21-time taken into 1.385 persons for questioning, while the 974 people have been arrested. The equivalent figure for Paris was then the 920, respectively, 619.

at the same time had 118 civilians and 17 police officers injured in the demonstrations around the country.

– You are also a victim of this! We know that you are not satisfied with the salary! Join us – rebel, let’s overthrow the government, revolution!

the Man cranks the French tricolor above them and yells as loud as he can to kravallpoliserna, which stand in a row, with raised shields at one of the Champs-Elysées intersections.

Applause from the hundreds of demonstrators on the avenue – many of them masked, with gas masks and scowl.

”Resign, Macron”, shouting.


About 125,000 participated on Saturday in demonstrations, vägblockader and other protests across France. Most of them peaceful, but some actions degenerated also in the violence.

President Emmanuel Macron backed earlier in the week from the controversial increase of the petrol and diesel, but the loosely cohesive movement Yellow vests now seems to have evolved into something more akin to a general insurrection.

Photo: Mehdi Chebil

In Paris, thousands of people gathered on the avenue des Champs-Elysées. High bangs boomed now and then, and thick tårgasdimmor drifted in near the arc de triomphe when the police tried to disperse the demonstrators. On the streets around tried a lot of militant activists make up the barricades and lit them on fire. Some came across the christmas trees and set them on fire.

Some became bortjagade of mounted police officers on horseback. Even armored vehicles participated in the police operation. Hundreds of stores had barricaded the entrances and the shop windows, but despite this reported extensive vandalism and some looting on Saturday night.

Among the more peaceful demonstrators were 48-year-old Agnes, who traveled to Paris from a village outside the small town of Marmande in south west France, where she works as a maid.

Image 1 of 5 the 48-year-old Agnes is participating in the demonstrations. Photo: Mehdi Chebil Image 2 of 5 Photo: Mehdi Chebil Image 3 of 5 Photo: Mehdi Chebil Image 4 of 5 Photo: Mehdi Chebil Image 5 of 5 Photo: Mehdi Chebil Slideshow

” I have been with in the movement in a little over a month, yes, almost from the beginning. Macros must be removed, no one has confidence in him anymore. We need a sixth republic! said Agnes, who would not give his surname for fear of reprisals.

She had a mask with him against tårgasen.

” I rode the night bus from Bordeaux and arrived early in the morning. Most people I know stayed at home in the municipality, and demonstrates where, but I wanted to go closer to monsieur Macron and show you what I think, ” she says.

Are you not concerned about climate change?

– Yes, it is me. I would also feel free to join in the demonstration which is held at a different place in Paris against climate change. But, for us, was the increase of petrol and diesel only the last straw that got the cup to overflow. This is about much more than that – about low pensions, low wages, that there are no jobs in the countryside. And to combat climate change, I think you should start with the companies, the flight, and the boats – those who have money, ” she says to DN…

A short distance away will friends Romain and Michael walking. They have traveled here from the Vosges in northeastern France.

” I am an anarchist. But today I am here as a French citizen. It must be the end all of these taxes, it must be easier to manage on a regular salary, ” says Romain.

Both wearing yellow vests but also helmets and gas masks.

” I’m half for, half against violence. If they provoke us, then it can happen, ” says Romain.

Michael has a prosthesis on the right lower leg.

” I live on the fourth floor – without an elevator. So much support you get from the state here, ” he says angrily.

Image 1 of 2 Friends, Michael and Romain. Photo: Mehdi Chebil Slide 2 of 2 Photo: Mehdi Chebil Slideshow

Large-scale demonstrations, blockades, civil unrest and casualties were also reported from other cities, such as Bordeaux and Toulouse. The protest movement has also spread to Belgium and the capital Brussels, where around 400 people on Saturday had been arrested by the police.

The last few days have a variety of groups have rallied behind the Yellow västarnas rebellion against the French government. Students in about 200 schools have gone on strike, farmers involved with tractors in the blockades, truck drivers go out on strike. All have different requirements – ranging from traditionally education reform to higher overtime pay and they agree in a general dissatisfaction with the president of Macron and his government.

About 72 percent of French people either support or sympathise with the Yellow vests – but almost as many say that the violence that often erupts in the context of the demonstrations is unacceptable.

Read more: Macron crates on tax increase

Image 1 of 5 Photo: Eric Feferberg/AFP Image 2 of 5 Photo: Thomas Samson/AFP Image 3 of 5 Photo: Thomas Samson/AFP Image 4 of 5 Photo: Lucas Barioulet/AFP Image 5 of 5 Photo: Zakaria Abdelkafi/AFP Slideshow

Read more: the Statements behind the Macrons crisis