That Western intelligence services do not replace your Knowledge of networks, which are suspected to be from the Chinese government controlled, one may assume. Recent Statements from German security close to circles that conclusion at least. And also the chief foreign policy makers of the Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen (CDU), said on Tuesday that it “firmly convinced that between the intelligence services exclusively on the Basis of technology of the participating cooperating countries” is communicated.

but a letter makes for unrest in the political Berlin, the U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell to economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) has sent, and in which the Federal government is warning people to give the Chinese network equipment supplier Huawei access to orders in the planned 5G-Expansion. The letter is the latest train of the U.S. government against the Chinese state-owned company Huawei – and against the government in Beijing. For months now, the Americans are threatening its European partners on the one way or the other with sanctions, should not bind the cooperation with Huawei. Poland has warned that the military investments are not made in the case of the conduct in question. Germany is now threatened with the limitation of intelligence cooperation. Although one question is: is Pushing the Americans in the first place, the concern about the access of Chinese officials to the Western communication networks of the group Huawei? Or it is about to hit the globally successful competitors Huawei out of the box?

5G-expert hearing in the foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag today

If this Wednesday the members of the foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag to the public hearing of Experts on the topic of 5G to come together, there will be questions undoubtedly also to the safety and Grenells letter. For next week the auction of the 5G is scheduled frequencies, and Germany is in the midst of a foreign, security and economic policy Dilemma. The Federal government says the use of Huawei technology, which it has so far refused, threaten economic and political tensions with Beijing, of which the entire German economy could be negatively affected. She does the opposite and allows the use, there is a risk of further clashes with Washington – as well as with other countries that have banned the use of Huawei technology, such as Australia or new Zealand. Moreover, the Federal government consists of the accusation, to have an influence on German networks due to the Chinese government opened the door wide. Because one thing is as yet completely unexplained: voices the protestations of Huawei, no spying for Beijing due to its technology and you can are to measures of the Huawei management trust, which has given lately, more and more European customers a false sense of security? Or not true, says only the U.S. government? The risk is very high.

Angela Merkel was on Tuesday, a strategy to detect, we know from the Chancellor already: find A way that allows for the broadest possible interpretations in any direction, and no one will have reason to further escalation. On the edge of the visit of the Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel, Merkel said, for the Federal government, the security of the 5G was the Expansion of the Central area. The government is going to define your security standards for the use and then with the partners to talk about it. “This is, of course,” said Merkel. One may conclude that the Federal government will probably issue neither the American pressure to yield a free ticket for the Chinese. How something like this can work in practice, of course, is still unclear. It is conceivable that the already-in approaches to well-known security standards of the government are designed in such a way that the telecommunications companies that bought the frequencies for safety-related network parts are made so strict to the specifications that Huawei is effectively banned by Definition – in other areas, however, as a supplier, can be used.

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safety standards in order to define that Huawei is de facto excluded

France, for example, has chosen a similar solution already and the use of Huawei technology only in certain areas prohibited. Also the British secret services recommended according to media reports their government in mid-February, to cases, this “complex” issue not a decision between “registration” and “ban”.

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dispute via 5G-Expansion Merkel reacts relaxed on Huawei-warning the USA

could Possibly help, also Brussels, the German out of trouble – and the national decision-making pressure. The European Parliament gave on Tuesday a note. In a Resolution, the deputies were concerned about a potential “serious vulnerabilities in the 5G equipment manufacturers from China”. Their network equipment is probably designed so that authorities could make access to personal data. The Commission and the member States will now be asked, possible risks in the 5G-infrastructure in Europe to prevent, by recourse to various manufacturers, and security standards for the networks defined. A process that can take a long time.