Ambassador Daniel Kriener has been given two days to leave the country, reports Reuters.

”Venezuela considers that it is unacceptable for a foreign diplomat to act as a political leader in line with the conspiratorial agenda that is driven by extreme groups of the venezuelan opposition”, said a statement from the government in Caracas.

as the recognised leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó as temporary president of Venezuela with a view to announce a new election. Kriener was one of the diplomats, who welcomed Juan Guaidó at the airport in Caracas, Monday. Juan Guaidó have visited several Latin american countries, and it was uncertain if he would be allowed into the country.

the Opposition has announced new protests mother of president Nicolás Maduro on Saturday.

that the united states is stepping up sanctions against Venezuela. According to vice president Mike Pence draws US back for the visas for 77 persons with close ties to the Maduro, reports Reuters. Previously 49 high-ranking venezuelans had become of the with his visa.

In an interview with Fox News says the national security advisor John Bolton to Fox News that the united states looks at the different ways to strangle the flow of money that keeps Maduroregimen in power.

On Wednesday evening came the information that an american journalist working for the Miami Herald and the ABC has been arrested in his home. According to a journalistorganisation which, inter alia, cited by The Guardian to the security police have made a raid in the man’s residence and seized his equipment. It has not been possible to get in touch with the journalist after that.