medical workers have been talking about for a long time. The problem is however, solved only by increasing medical training places, says the medical association’s executive director Kati Myllymäki.

it’s a little odd idea that universities would be added to the doctors basic training, when we have a special doctor shortage. We need a specialist in add as well as basic health care that hospitals niches.

the Problem is that the special doctors there is a shortage in some areas more than others.

We have pretty good predictions about that, for example, an orthopedic surgeon, the plastic surgeons and ophthalmologists to be completed in the next few years really a lot. Then again psychiatrists are specialized a bit, and they are staying plenty of for retirement.

that is Why mill hill, there should be detailed plans of what kind of specialty doctors are needed in the future more. Her training should emphasize these areas, and not only a doctor of basic education.

a special doctor shortage is also a geographical problem, as the medical association statistics show that in specialised medical care there is a shortfall of doctors 2-24% between different hospital districts. It’s a tricky situation, for example, in Eastern Finland.

grandma’s services and good work attracted the mouth of the River

One way to recruit specialist doctors elsewhere than in the helsinki metropolitan area is to grow them yourself. Special when the doctors move to work more easily, and may integrate into the locality so well, that remain in the end there permanently to live and work.

This has also been observed in North Karelia central hospital, where the Terhi Savolainen specialize in the process of acute medicine specialist.

Terhi Savolainen believes that Joensuu is the right size city to live in. Not too big, but not too small either.Ari pancreas guy / Yle

Savolainen tell you three reasons that led him to choose employment, education and training of the North Karelia central hospital.

Here is grandma’s services, i.e. the spouse’s parents near. Good mountain biking terrain are also affected, he says with a laugh.

Savolainen, according to many others the doctor has chosen the North Karelia just natural and it offers the most recreational opportunities due. The most important factor was, however, a good working environment.

in Here in the emergency room is a very good supervisor and a job is good anyway. I knew this already, he said.

Many a young doctor selects a job atmosphere according. Important is the work to get support. Young doctors association list of hospitals according to how good the training places they are. North Karelia central hospital has done a list in a very.

Strict competition specialist of the

specialist doctors work in the competition is fiercely around Finland.

for Example, the South Karelia social and health district social and health care district shocking young doctors directed the blast at the ad on her video.

North Karelia has in turn been used already for two years the recruiting unit, which will hire health care professionals throughout the province’s territory.

the doctor and the specialist doctor of the unit makes a lot from finding always the spouse’s job to ensure. Recruiters also parties to fairs and industry events to “headhunt the country’s” suitable doctors.

the North Karelia central hospital director Jarmo Kukkonen tell you, this has proven to be one excellent way to attract the mouth of the River experienced specialist doctors.

– we Have succeeded in in my opinion well. The situation has improved in recent years. We do not have the financial resources left to wage the battle, there where some other operators. Therefore, we must be successful basic work in.

Kukkonen, according to the medical specialists would be needed in the hospital still about 30 more. For example, radiologists and psychiatrists are in short supply. Currently, the hospital is working with special doctors rich 300.

Anssi Eboreime, 24, to perform the last training of the North Karelia central hospital. Terhi Savolainen instruct.Ari pancreas guy / Yle

Terhi Savolainen was recruited to North Karelia in his own words, “long and hard”. First he attracted to the river mouth, the current manager, i.e. the chief.

When the spouse seemed to be found also in the work of the river mouth, began Savolainen consider moving seriously.

at this point word had spread and the director of the chief contact. He then asked for a coffee and a chat. He told the hospital’s current state, because to my recollection I had from college.

in the End Savolainen spouse decided to move to North Karelia.

of the Students is sought from abroad since

the recruitment unit to see the doctor for the students of all Finnish universities as well as foreign universities, which has a lot of Finnish students. The goal is to get the medical students first internship at North Karelia and, through that, to stay in the region after graduation.

Anssi Eboreime heard in Tartu, a college friend of the first time the North Karelia central hospital.Ari pancreas guy / Yle

tartu according to the grabbed vantaalais-oriented Anssi Eboreime , 24. He carried out his studies last training of the North Karelia central hospital. Experience is already in the previous summer in the same place.

I Heard that here you get a lot of peer support, and parents from colleagues can always ask problems. It became a feeling that this might be a good place to be and learn, he said.

Eboreime intends in the future to specialize, but the industry is not yet selected. A neurologist might be a good option. He did not yet know, where will live and work.

– Joensuu has in mind, he said.

the north karelian receive eboreime from the praise.

– People here are transparent. Patients are often good humoured, even if they were sick. It has been nice to see, he said.

Read more:

To, additional training or research work in health centers? 4 reasons why the primary care physician shortage is not a simple math

How you would solve the doctor? Aiheeta can discuss below the clock 22:00.

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