“more and more households amorterar. It is a change that has occurred in the last five years. We see signs of a new amorteringskultur. This means that households ‘ resilience increases,” writes the FI’s director general, Erik Thedéen in a press release.
The latest tightening up of the amorteringskravet for just over a year ago, means that new bolånetagare with liabilities that exceed 450 percent of the gross income must repay 1% of the loan per year.
“Those affected by the tightening of the amorteringskravet borrow in an average of 8.5 per cent less than they otherwise would have done. Additionally, buying the cheaper housing,” writes the ACCESS in a separate analysis, which is presented together with bolånerapporten.
housing is 1.1% less expensive and they borrow an average of 1.5 percent less due to the stricter requirements.
the Impact has been most pronounced in Stockholm and Gothenburg, where mortgage lending growth has slowed and demand decreased, according to the analysis.
shows the larger repayments have been made that the number of households in deficit if they become unemployed. At the same time, the analysis shows that more households coped with higher interest rates without deficit.
“Overall, households with new mortgages are still good margins to cope with the payments on their mortgages. Households ‘ capacity to cope with rising interest rates and unemployment is therefore expected to continue to be good,” writes FI.