The upcoming election now counts 13 different parties.

One of them is Rasmus paludan’s extremist, highly islamkritiske firm, who on Saturday reached up over the 20.180 required vælgererklæringer.

This redefines the upcoming election quite a lot. It is a completely new and dramatic factor, says Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

– Now it can be a freak-like choice in many ways. That firm is now being opstillingsberettiget means that foreigners will be even more on the agenda, but that we may end up with to see otherwise indvandringskritiske parties, which may pull in the other direction the pga. Rasmus Paludan, says Henrik Qvortrup.

at the same time, the layout of yet another party of the right, to the probability of stemmespild is significantly increased.

the Danish policy – 27. apr. 2019 – at. 08:12 Paludan is ready for the election

– the first boat will be firm enough to take the voters from the New Civic, and it can mean that either New Civil or Tight Course get enough votes to enter Parliament, says Henrik Qvortrup.

in Addition, the security around it is now the de facto opstillingsberettigede Tight Course a major theme during the election campaign, assesses Henrik Qvortrup:

– now we are to see politidirektører, who must say to the firm, that he can not be allowed to hold election meetings? The entire security around Rasmus Paludan will be something that comes very focused on.

The big question on many people’s lips now is: Can Rasmus Paludan and the firm enter in the Parliament.

Here will Extra the Magazine’s two political commentators, Henrik Qvortrup and His Engell, don’t put the head on the block.

– As the situation is today, I do not think he will be elected. But I will have to take the reservations, that there might be one or another in the election campaign, which really can change it, says Henrik Qvortrup.

Nor did His Engell dare to be skråsikker:

– I do not think so, for he must get very many votes. And it will be difficult. But this here is a bomb in the election campaign of the established parties. And stemmespildet in the bourgeois camp can, in the worst case come up on the five-seven seats. For Paludan has fat in one way or another. And there is a big upheaval started with the electorate. Just look at his huge traffic numbers among young people on Youtube, says Hans Engell.