Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey is exposed to the hopes of the SPD and the suspicion, to have your doctor work illegally written off. The outcome of the examination by the FU Berlin is seen in the case of the social Democrats with concern. Because it is important for the SPD in Berlin, where Giffey is regarded as a possible candidate for the office of the mayor, and the SPD state associations that currently make up the election campaign in Brandenburg, Bremen, Saxony and Thuringia, and to fight.

In a guest article for the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” calls Peter Grottian, a social scientist and Emeritus Professor at the FU Berlin, the Minister lets your doctor work but to know and from all Offices. Particularly interesting: Grottian was at the Uni, at the Giffey earned a doctorate.

“suspension parts can cause damage to wear down and the reputations of institutions and individuals,” writes Gottian and reminds about the plagiarism cases of the former German defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and Minister of education, Annette Schavan.

In comparison, the case Giffey spent, in all Tentativeness, in the middle. He was more serious than the Schavan and less serious than in the case of Guttenberg, writes Grottian. And then continues: “If Giffey is wise, should you withdraw from your office and the FU ask, initiate the recognition of your PhD degree. You have shown attitude and your political career from further damage. In the media the case would be done in three days.”

Grottian argues that the Vroniplag Wiki shortcomings identified are so serious that they would last alleged withdrawal of the doctoral degree. “Even if the actions of the plagiarism acts in the hunters, detail-obsessed, and sometimes small-minded, it does demonstrate that Giffey from the craft of scientific work has a clue,” writes Grottian. Giffey demonstrate “an often naive, faulty and irresponsible relation to their subject.”

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The real Problem Grottian on the topic of the thesis: “Europe’s way to the citizens – the policy of The European Commission for the participation of civil society”. As the then European Commissioner of the Berlin-Neukölln have written Giffey directly and indirectly about yourself. This could lead to a lack of scientific distance. Giffey write “not a process of which it is part, but only about your work. That’s going too far,” says Grottian.

He is also the supervisor of Giffeys doctor to work with responsible, the need to recognize the problems. The spectrum of care in the Department of political science/Sozilologie at the FU was “excellent to total lack of interest is very broad,” writes Grottian.

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doctoral thesis the Minister for family Affairs How dangerous are the plagiarism accusations for Giffey?

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His conclusion: The only maintainer is urgently disempower. Desirable to have an external reviewer, should assess the work expert at least, would be. “Would only have been a colleague or a colleague with a real expertise for Europe and the participation of local authorities in EU decision-making processes, consulted, would have experienced the work of Giffey perhaps a different direction – or you would not have been written,” writes Grottian.