The power struggle in the AfD in Saxony to the top candidate in the state election is postponed until further notice. According to information from the “Free press”, which refers to party circles, to country – and group-in-chief Jörg Urban, on the list of party Congress at the weekend in markneukirchen in the Vogtland region to number one in the country list and it is not expected that candidates have. Urban is also AfD-right candidate in Bautzen for the on 1. September to be held at the end of the election.

His intra-party rival Tino Chrupalla, Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary group, is not yet out of the race as a candidate for the office of the Prime Minister. The decision should be resolved by the nomination for the list place one, and only six to eight weeks before the election of the party committees to be decided, writes in Chemnitz newspaper. Chrupalla also had ambitions to be the top candidate and, therefore, the role of the Challenger of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) – has shown.

Neither of the country party of Chrupalla the agreement was confirmed on Thursday. The list of Congress begins this Friday and will last until Sunday.

one way or the other will be heard in the election campaign of the AfD radical sounds to Urban belongs to the right Party group “The wings”, which was classified recently by the protection of the Constitution as a “suspect case” – unlike the whole party, which is a report of the secret service, according to only “test case”.

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to order the end of January was Urban – in addition to the regional Chairman in Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt, Andreas Kalbitz and Martin Reichardt, participants in the “axis of the” wing meetings “” in a village near Meissen. In this implored the Thuringian AfD-Chef Björn We Höcke-feeling of extreme right-wing of the party: The AfD is mind, the party of the common people, said Höcke there a on Facebook, according to a published Video, according to. The press was not allowed in the “wing”Assembly. Community is important, said Höcke: “nerds and egomaniac secession attempts, we can’t have that.” The ultra-right Dresdner AfD in the Bundestag, Jens Maier was appointed at the Convention of the Saxon Chairman of the “wing”.

Alliance with Pegida at the “funeral March” in Chemnitz

Earlier, Urban had forged other rights alliances: at the beginning of September last year, he led a “funeral March” in Chemnitz, together with Höcke and Kalbitz, not far from Pegida leader Lutz Bachmann removed at that time. The leadership of the Federal party for a long time not wanted shoulder-to-shoulder from the AfD and the xenophobic Pegida movement is driven by Urban.

Chrupallas – well first of the pending nomination as Prime Minister-candidate would have a higher symbolism than the preparation of the Urban for this role. Because of the election to the Bundestag 2017 Chrupalla won against the former CDU General Secretary and current head of the government, and CDU land Chairman Kretschmer, the direct mandate. Across the country, the AfD came to 27 percent of the vote. With a lead of 0.1 percentage points ahead of the CDU and was then the strongest party in Saxony. In the CDU Chrupalla compared to Urban as the more dangerous opponent.

trained as a painter Chrupalla tried in the past always again to appear in comparison to his in Saxony the far-right party, friends moderate. He was even open to a coalition with the CDU in Saxony, although their guide to exclude this, at least before the election, strictly. Also, the nomination of political scientist Werner Patzelt as a Co-author of the CDU-country choice program, wanted to know what the CDU is not as a Signal for a black-and-blue coalition counted, although Patzelt was previously a multiple of the AfD services.

the role of The “moderate” AfD-politician held Chrupalla but not really. Only last week he caused a stir when he announced to critical texts about the AfD in the “Saxon newspaper” to want a black list with the names of “rogue” journalists. In a letter to the members of the Görlitzer AfD-County Association, he called on his party friends, to give him “background information about as a journalist disguised decomposition agents”.

Of party friends, he was praised for: The Leipzig AfD in the Bundestag, Siegbert Droese wrote on Facebook: “one Can only agree. (…) We tend to hold to, representatives of the filth and dirt of the press – so called quality media in the West under Honecker – the information first-Hand, to exclude. So what.”

“voters order against mosques and minarets”

This week Chrupalla of the “Lusatian Rundschau” Interview, in which he called for a tough Anti-asylum policy. He defended his statement that in the Lausitz “residential ghettos” were created to help migrants to settle. And said: “The resettlement of migrants will not solve any problems but creates new ones. And I have to prevent a mandate from the electorate, there is also the fact, that there will be one day, mosques and minarets, in the district of Görlitz.”

In the opinion of the constitutional protection for the “test case” AfD are mentioned in both Urban as well as Chrupalla. The secret service attested to the Urban an ethnic-cultural nation concept. He said: “A people can only preserve its Unity and freedom, if it remains largely homogeneous.” Chrupalla, in turn, maintains that he gave to 2018, the Berlin-based right-wing extremists, Nikolai N. for the Video channel “The people’s teachers,” an Interview – and that was not a random encounter, like the Constitution, analyzed the protection.

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Saxony AfD-member of the German Bundestag throws press decomposition strategies

Matthias Meisner

Also, the previous AfD Leader Frauke Petry, exit to your party, in the meantime, both in the Bundestag as well as in the Saxon Parliament non-attached members, introduced these days their former party to a damning testimony. In a debate in the Dresden state Parliament, you said that you observed in the Saxony-AfD promoting “humane and politically hardly bearable person alien”. The policy level in the country the Association was “disastrous”, the party structure is “broken”. The AfD does not do consistently against their own extremist currents, and people. Petry, said: “It hurts to see what has become of a former liberal-conservative party.”