a week and a Half, Friedrich Merz, was off the grid for a long time in the political business. But such a defeat such as they experienced the candidate for the CDU party Chairman in Hamburg, you have to digest first. With his long Interview in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, Merz is now broken his Silence. He to trust a Minister, said Merz. And added: “But that is a matter for the Chancellor.” Fine Set Of Needle Stitches. The calculus seems to be obvious: Merz wants to the pressure on the new party boss Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, to increase, to the Chancellor. The?

With the Interview, it is clear that Merz has buried his political ambitions for a long time. He knows that he have been missing out on the party Congress, only 18 votes, he knows he would have made a better speech, it would have passed. To his supporters, this is a Signal: I’m still here, I’m ready. And it was after a change in the Chancellery. The mobilization force. And the Merzianer in the CDU.

for example, EU-Commissioner Günther Oettinger, said on Wednesday in an interview with the “Focus” to get Merz for the foreseeable future in the Federal Cabinet. “If the mid-term review of the SPD 2019 is negative and they leave the coalition, then this would also be a good time to ask him.”

“What he is doing, must be visible to the outside”

Matthias Heider. CDU member of the German Bundestag, sour countries, such as Merz and Vice-Chairman of the “Mittelstand” and economic Union of the Union. The Association with 25,000 members stood in front of the Congress behind Merz. The Interview, says the Vice-Chairman Heider to the daily mirror, was “a Signal that arrives, especially in the conservative part of the party.” He was glad that Merz had underpinned his willingness to be more involved in politics, once again. The Association expect of STH, that you mean the party tags motto, “together” seriously. “It is not that we do not require politicians like Friedrich Merz.”

They could not offer Merz, head of a working group in the party headquarters. “What he’s doing, must be visible to the outside,” says Heider. He admits that replacements were received in a government team, “not without a reason, and not ad hoc”. But he also says: “If alterations are made, should Merz be for a Minister taken into account.” In view: The defence and the Ministry of economy.

since Merz’ defeat to the Congress, it is speculated, what Ministerial post he could occupy the most. The economy and defence will be called again and again. According to the Merz-Interview, government spokesman Steffen Seibert was on Wednesday forced to clarify: “The Chancellor is not planning any Cabinet reshuffle.” Clear that Merkel does not want one of your harshest critics have it in your Cabinet.

Merkel’s cancellation does not come at the Conservative well-to

A Cabinet tag could still be necessary. Minister of justice Katarina Barley is the top candidate of the SPD in the European elections, she goes to Brussels. Horst Seehofer, left in November, Confidant, announced that he no longer wanted to remain without a party chair for a long the Minister of the interior. To these statements it will remind his Cabinet colleagues for sure. Other Ministers are in the criticism about defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, in the adviser affair or Minister of education, Anja Karliczek, recently said: “5G is not at every milk jug necessary”. But when it comes to castling, it doesn’t mean automatically that Merz is taken into account.

Other Merzianer are already unsure of whether or not a Minister would be the best choice. The Baden-württemberg Alexander Mitsch is the Chairman of the “Union of values”, a coalition of conservative members of the initiatives. He tells the daily mirror: “I don’t know if Merz would do yourself a Favor, if it comes in a Cabinet under Merkel.” Mitsch believes that Merz would be dependent on the Chancellor and AKK. “I’m worried that he could not meet in this Cabinet, the expectations of his followers and his own goals.” The refusal of Merkel annoys her sisters, however, The was motivated by “personal,” and aggravating the crisis of leadership of the CDU. The sisters hoped for a “asylum turnaround” and an “Agenda for the performance carrier” by Merz. In the short term, he saw him as a Chairman of one of the CDU program Commission. In the long term as Prime Minister in NRW, or candidate for Chancellor.

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What is Friedrich Merz want. Max pressure

Stephan-Andreas Casdorff

it is Clear: The Merz-supporters will continue to make pressure, that the oxygen of the countries occupied a Post with the weight But 2018 is happening surely nothing more. CDU Deputy leader Thomas Strobl, son – in-law of Merz-Mentor Wolfgang Schäuble said the spark-Newspapers: “How to do it more, it can be discussed in peace and quiet after the Christmas break.” The Merzrevolution, when she comes in the next year.