Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier has defended his congratulatory telegram to the Iranian national holiday on Monday, but also criticism of the Iranian leadership confirmed. “In Iran, human rights are kicked with feet, and also in the Region, Iran plays a destabilizing role. This makes the danger that would emanate from a nuclear-armed Iran, the greater,“ said Steinmeier, according to the office of the Federal President on Monday in a telephone conversation with the President of the Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster.

Germany and its European partners wanted to prevent a nuclear arms race and an uncontrollable escalation of violence in the Middle East, especially in the interest of the security of Israel, said Steinmeier. The consistent Advocacy for the right of existence of Israel, guiding political Action in decades. To explained to the to Tehran skillful telegram: “A Letter to the national holiday is part of diplomatic practice, the in-depth and critical contacts.”

Central Council of the Jews, Steinmeier had criticised

The Central Council had criticized Steinmeier because of the telegram. “In the congratulatory telegram to the Federal President on the anniversary of the Revolution in Iran, the Routine seems to have diplomacy, critical Thinking displaced,” Schuster said the Portal “Bild.de” on Monday. The Federal President would need to find the “least significant words of criticism of the Regime”.

Iran committed suicide on 11. February is national day, this time the 40. The anniversary of the Islamic Revolution highlighted. The leadership of Iran is accused of working for the destruction of Israel. Iranian foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had rejected.

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According to the Federal President had been introduced, the practice, the annual letter of congratulations to the Iranian national holiday in 1980 by the then head of state Karl Carstens. Between 2007 and 2013 in the term of office of the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, she was exposed to, and then again in 2014. Also, the now-discussed telegram Steinmeier was a congratulations on the national holiday, and not to 40. The anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. (dpa)