the Majority of those who still have not got the electricity back in Stockholm and Uppsala county and there was 11.947 customers of the Waterfall to be without power at 10 o’clock on Sunday, and INTRODUCES the figure was 255 customers. Worst hit is northern stockholm and Norrtälje municipality and especially the archipelago.

Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

is that the electricity should be back by the 10th of January for those who live far out in the archipelago, but it may take even longer.

” of course, We hope that it will go faster and some have gotten back the stream earlier than forecast. But it is difficult to say anything precise. We are working at full speed with all the resources available, ” says Mikael Petrovic Wågmark, press officer at Vattenfall.

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Both companies describing the cleanup efforts as extremely difficult, with extensive damage and trees that are ”as plockepinn across the wires”. In several places one is forced to build completely new infrastructure, after having cleared away the old system.

– the last of The wiring is extremely damaged, and we have the full strength out in the service working as soon as possible to build up new poles and wires. But there are difficult working conditions. Safety after a storm is difficult but it is always equally important for our employees who saw themselves in this. We take one step at a time, ” says Pernilla Schoug, press office in EON.

carrying personnel and materials to areas that are difficult to reach after the storm, ” says Pernilla Schoug. Priority to year-round establishments, then fritidsboenden and, ultimately, kiosks, weddings, and the like.

– Many wires that we work with now has just one customer but it takes just as long time to ten customers, ” says Pernilla Schoug.

The Waterfall has fitters sounded the alarm that they had seen individuals who move at the fallen targets. Something that can be deadly.

– It is, among others, people who want to get out and see what their summer will look like after the storm and who walk around in torn power lines. But it should be avoided because it is associated with mortal danger. There may be live wires in there, ” says Mikael Petrovic Wågmark.

The affected elbolagens subscribers can get help from their municipalities, crisis management, information, värmestugor, water and the like. There is also information on the elbolagens websites on which the compensation for the outage. If you can’t stay at home as a result of the electricity supply is a possibility to get compensation for the hotel stay from the Waterfall.

Telia, Tele2, and Three, the continued breakdowns in their networks. Telecom operators are dependent on the electricity companies to the networks to function, which means that mobile networks have started to function again in the areas where electricity blackouts have been eliminated.

But the interference is still substantial in some areas, including Norrtäljetrakten. At Telia stands ready to assist with temporary solutions, if the work would take longer than planned.

– We maintain an ongoing dialogue with the electricity companies. We see that it drags on, then we will most likely have to help with the mobile power stations that we can place in the affected areas, ” says Inger Gunterberg, press officer at Telia.

Read more: Disruption of the cellular network after Alfrida