”What are you working with then?”
I hear the question easily from my lips. A shiver of discomfort far over the spine. I smile and nod of encouragement towards my interlocutor at the same time as your eyes frantically searching the room looking for my friend or for some other person that I know.
I absolutely abhor small talk. I dislike it so strongly that I’d rather just be forced to watch the same episodes of Friends on repeat for the rest of my life if I just escaped the set of the first tentative questions to an individual that I absolutely do not want to get to know.
don’t get me wrong now, I like a lot of people and talk happily about the field of datten with people I don’t feel so good. Just remove the first foul of the questions: ”How are you?”, ”What are you working with?”, ”How do you know X?”, etc
Yikes, I shudder. It is so inconvenient to switch these phrases of courtesy, when both I and the other participant of the call to the one hundred percent do not care about the answer. In addition, the forcing of small talk almost always in some strange caricature of myself: a well-mannered cis-girl.
I am polite, encouraging, and asking the right follow-up questions at the same time as my soul bleeds.
The most uncomfortable is when the questions and the phrases end at the end and I am in the panic begins to praise the other person’s clothes.
One of my closest friends is an absolutely fantastic mingle professionals. She really enjoy that the health of a person she had never before seen and is genuinely interested in where he is born, what high school that went on and what he will do in the weekend.
Yourself and I most often next to and smile stupidly while I try to find a way to get the call to djupna. Or take the end of the year.
She is gorgeous and I don’t really remember how she and I became friends, but it was certainly not my merit.
Now, do you wish maybe that I had a solution to the problem but I really don’t know what the alternative would be.
The only thing more uncomfortable than to stand there and be polite is well to stand in the corner and stare hard in the pile of people you do not know.
The best though is when you meet people who also hate to mingle. They are usually quiet and keeps himself a bit in the background in social situations until they really have something to say that enriches the conversation. Is not it wonderful?
Places where the volume is so high that it is totally impossible to mingle.
stop with the hat too early and literally förfrysa the ears when you go over the Bridge.
Alexandra Carlsson Tenitskaja is livereporter and think that the only thing more uncomfortable than to mingle is to hug people you do not feel so good. Ugh.
Alexandra Carlsson Tenitskaja: We are from the land breaks the femoral neck first.
Alexandra Carlsson Tenitskaja: What helps our bags under the eyes?
Alexandra Carlsson Tenitskaja: It is not easy to be humble when you live in Stockholm