the Party responded on Saturday, the government scout Antti Rinne (sd.) questions. Based on the responses of all the fallen government, the five parties approved by the previous government programme as such.

the Slope asked the parties whether they are willing to accept the current government programme and to participate in the SDP to lead a majority government. In addition, the Slope asked whether the party on the possible threshold issues of participation.

All the fallen government parties, i.e. the SDP, the centre, the greens, the Swedish people’s party and the left alliance responded to the first questions in the affirmative. They also had no threshold issues.

instead, the finns, the national coalition party, the christian democrats and right now the business had not been willing to accept the current government programs.

the Answers didn’t come surprises, what tell the former government party of the short and concise answers. For example, the left alliance had written to each issue to manual “we are”.

on Sunday morning from the Slope way of parliamentary factions, representatives and trying to put together a new government. The aim is that the new government will get to appoint on Tuesday.

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