When germanic tribes conquered Rome began right away to practice what historians called spoliation. The barbarians tore his columns and pilasters of the temples and buildings, and then joined again: the results were quite comical, but some of these works still stand. The andalusian have stopped the barbarians at the gates: Spain is no longer the exception european the that presumíamos, and the far right —or as you want to be called a nationalist party, antifeminista, anti-immigrant, and with all the tics of the hallucination populist of these times— just break through with force. The pratfall of Susana Díaz is sidereal. The resistance of the PP Married, remarkable. Citizens go up as the foam. But it is the emergence of Vox that threatens the political structure, in precarious balance for years for the scars of the Great Recession and the shocks of the procés.

The fascism is all about not just doing politics and pretending to make history. And “we have made history” was the first thing that was heard of Vox on election night. The policy is another thing: an activity whose exercise is in be Opening Permanent of the Story to start over again each day. For that you have to be very clear about the two messages that they leave the polls.

One: the incendiary rhetoric about immigration and Betasus Catalonia works, but mostly for Vox; neither PP nor Citizens to achieve their objectives. From there, the center-right can treat Vox as a partner is normal and the current; it would risk a scenario in the Italian style. Or you can adopt the strategy of French and German: to build a cordon sanitaire. The right is going to try to use the votes of the Vox without giving voice: there is too much competition in the Spanish policy to see lace-up toilets, and it’s not even clear that work. But this play forces you to portray yourself to the world.

And two: the debacle of the PSOE calls for an examination of conscience. After 36 years at the helm you can mention the wear and tear, to the mobilization of a protest vote or criticize the leadership of Díaz: the reality is that many voters have stayed at home for corruption. The Gürtel evicted Rajoy in The Moncloa; the ERE are one of the triggers of the output of the Diaz of San Telmo. The socialists can opt for the melancholy so common in european social democracy, unable to waste the opportunity of losing the opportunity. Or they can mobilize, to react, save to the right of populism, extremist would be a side effect of that reaction.

liberal democracy is falling to pieces all over the world. The times of economic unease, and political light monsters: the silhouette of the mode Spanish that monster is becoming less and less diffuse. Democracy, as capitalism survives crises by their ability of adaptation. But the 400,000 votes of Vox anticipate future aftershocks of the earthquake of andalusia. With the barbarians prowling the Coliseum, the risk of demolition is there. It may be that this time we are before a new era. “The new era, the old misery,” says Ferlosio.