In the Saxon town of Plauen was the second attempt by right-wing extremists, the yellow West-protests in France took to the club. Around 30 people moved, most of them with yellow high-visibility vests clothed, on Saturday in a non-logged-rally through the city, including, according to a report by the “Free press” the leader of the neo-Nazi, a minor party, “The third way”, Tony Gentsch, as well as the co-founder of the Anti-asylum Initiative “We are Germany”, Michael’s uncle. On the stairs of the Old town hall, a banner was hoisted reading “no to the UN-migration Pact”.

A similar action took place on Saturday in Stuttgart. Here is the AfD a member of the Landtag Stefan Räpple had to stop called before the document was adopted on Monday in Marrakech to Protest: “migration Pact – Demo against the abolition of Germany”. On his announcement poster the yellow vest was shown. Pegida announced the call and reported on the streets of France, in Lyon, under the yellow West-to see the demonstrators, “more and more often protest banner against a signature of the migration Pact”.

meanwhile, because of the support of extreme right-wing Association from the Kiel Landtag group excluded AfD Boss from Schleswig-Holstein, Doris von Sayn-Wittgenstein, posed vest in November on Facebook in yellow. And the Chairman of the AfD group in the Bundestag, Alice rye, sprinkled, according to a report by the AFP news Agency the rumor, the President of France Emmanuel Macron’s plan, in his country, “army against its own people” – what was denied by the Ministry of defence in Paris. On Monday she posted ryegrass on Facebook: “Against citizens of enemy politics. We can learn from the yellow West!”

From the covenants of German right-wing radical with the French “Gilets Jaunes”-movement was not the speech, as the party Executive of the Left-hand at the weekend, decided on a solidarity address: The resistance against the neoliberal and authoritarian course of the French President, Macron was entitled. Macrons government serving the rich “solely in the interests of the super”. And: “We see in the breadth of the social resistance is also an encouragement for Germany”. Only in a half-sentence, it was said that the support of the yellow West movement was also necessary “to counteract the infiltration of the National Front try”.

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to order a distancing of violence during the protests had been discussed in the party Executive, but in the end, a note of the body was discarded. The decision of the party’s Executive Board was unanimous, as party chief Bernd Riexinger announced on Twitter.

on the left group head of Sahra servant in the middle of November the car Up at an event of your collection of movement “” in Bochum, Germany.Photo: imago/Bettina Strenske

Satisfied, the Chairman of the Left group in the Bundestag, Sahra car showed itself to be a servant. On Sunday evening sent a Newsletter to their supporters and followers-border rubbed it: “From the yellow vests instead of Merkel 2.0”. Macron have brought with his rabid tax policies favoring the Rich, the barrel of indignation to Overflow. Among the demands of the yellow West, “a higher minimum wage, pension from 60, smaller classes, fairer taxes & uniform social insurance system, no privatization, more social housing, more direct democracy and much more”. Wagenknecht gushed: “This is a very decent program.”

Right-wing yellow the West: manifestation of the AfD on Saturday in Stuttgart.Photo: imago/Arnulf Hettrich

Previously, the Left had declared a parliamentary Deputy and former party leader Klaus Ernst, yellow West-protests, as in France, be in Germany, too, is desirable. In Germany, the radio said Seriously: “in my view It is not a far-right movement that we see in France.”

Lederer keeps “nothing” from the solidarity of the address

there were Only a few in the Left criticism of the largely unconditional solidarity address of the party leadership: The Berlin culture Senator Klaus Lederer replied on Twitter to the question of what people like him think: “Nothing. Nothing.”

First of all, is also Left-chief Riexinger had pointed to problems with ultra-right in the French yellow West-movement: “The potential of ultra-right-wing in the ranks of the movement is worrying,” he said last week, the editorial network Germany (RND): “In Germany, such a verb would be rude of the left and the right attitude.” He stressed, however, that the concerns of the protesters have their permission. “In France people are protesting against the contempt of their class, they are demanding social justice and attention to their interests.”

“The right hike

to combat this,” A conflict with, for example, Wagenknecht best Riexinger ride. In the party Executive, he told participants, according to his Statement to the ultra-right in the yellow West movement had been taken out of context. Also party leader Katja Kipping saw no objection to the Interview Statements of the Co-chairs and the Solidarity of the party Executive: “We see the yellow West as a form of social protests, from the middle of the society. It is good that progress join forces, and the Attempts of appropriation by the Rassemblement National,” she explained to the RND. Riexinger said on Monday in front of the press, the solidarity of the address was “for a left-wing party, of course”. The left would have to engage in the yellow West-movement “to counter the right hike”.