In the bitter dispute over the financing of a border wall to Mexico, the US Vice-President Mike Pence warned of a real crisis and emergency, on the southern border of the United States. Pence said on Tuesday, in several television interviews, and agreed to a televised address, the US President, Donald Trump for the night Wednesday German time. Trump will bring the American people in his address from the Oval Office, the urgency of the Situation, said Pence.

if It were a real humanitarian crisis, and a crisis for the security of the country, he told the TV station ABC. What is on the southern border of the United States happens to be a real emergency. Each month, 60,000 people trying to illegally come into the country. The vast majority are families and unaccompanied children. “Overwhelmed by simply all the possibilities of our border protection officials,” he said. “We need more resources. We need to build a wall.“ And the Congress representatives would have to come back to the negotiating table.

the “Washington Post”: a national state of emergency

A media report that Trump will declare in his speech to the Nation, the national state of emergency. The Republicans will say in the speech only for the need of a wall on the border to Mexico, reported the Washington Post on Tuesday citing a high-ranking representative of the White house.

Trump wants to turn in his televised address to the middle of the night German time directly to the population. Vice-President Mike Pence had declared on Monday that it would also examine the possibility that Trump exclamations of the national emergency and providing an alternative financing option for the construction of the wall is created.

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to order On Thursday, Trump wants to travel in the border region. In the USA, a dispute between trump is the Republicans and the Democrats, raging for months. Trump wants to build at the Mexico border, a wall, and justifies this on the grounds of national security. Around two weeks ago, the argument escalated, because Trump for the wall, calls in a budget of five billion dollars.

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US President, Trump is planning in the dispute on the border of the wall speech to the Nation

The Democrats, on the consent of Trump is instructed to reject the project. Thus, the budget is not adopted. In him also money for a number of U.S. authorities, who had to stop their work. Hundreds of thousands of government holidays are agents in forced or you will need to work without salary. Trump has threatened to stay with the theme of hard, and the so-called Shutdown of the government to, if necessary, over the years. (dpa, Reuters)