This is the legally binding agreement the Uk and the EU have concluded about how the divorce should go to. This states, inter alia, with the rights that the swedes and other EU citizens living in the Uk, the respective rights of britons living in Sweden or other EU countries.

Here is specified what a transition is, that is to say, the time when the Uk is gradually phased out of the EUROPEAN union and still comply with union laws and rules, as well as how much money the british contribution to the EU budget.

The agreement also includes reservlösningen of the irish border, called the backstop.

the Purpose of having a fallback, often referred to as the solution of the irish border is that northern Ireland and Ireland should have so close a relationship as possible. This is to avoid new turmoil, which plagued the inhabitants are under 30 years of age, shall occur.

the Solution means that northern Ireland continued to remain in a customs union with the EU and is included in the parts of the internal market, with free movement of people, goods, capital and services.

Reservlösningen shall only apply until a new cooperation agreement concluded between the EU and the united kingdom, or in case no such agreement can be concluded.

today is evident within the border between northern Ireland and Ireland. But after Britain left, this will be the EU’s external border, just like the one in the east that runs from Finland to Greece. It means that goods and people who pass by here shall be checked.

But, neither the Uk nor the EU want to have these controls. Hence reservlösningen as mentioned above.

Before 1998, when the peace agreement was concluded, was the border heavily guarded by the military and police. The EU has supported projects to bring the people of the irish island closer to each other. Today, the island is, for example, a common energy market and the residents in the border areas can visit each other’s health centers regardless of the country.

If the Uk leaves the EU without a skilsmässoavtal, also known as the ”no deal”, it will be a hard Brexit. To the contrary, any form of agreement, usually called a “soft” Brexit.

the Situation with a hard Brexit usually described as the brits crashing out of the EU and to chaos follows.

in Recent months, however, the EU and the british concluded several temporary settlements between six and nine months. They guarantee that, for example, aviation and other transport continue to function even in a hard Brexit.

Countries that are included in a customs union, trade with each other without quotas, without tariffs or other trade barriers. These countries also have a common trade policy. A single country may not, therefore, conclude trade agreements with other countries on the goods covered by the customs union.

the EU has long had a customs union with Turkey. But, among other agricultural products is regulated in separate agreements between Turkey and various eu member states.

In the Uk many politicians have a customs union with the EU. It has prime minister Theresa May has so far said no to because she, like many Brexitförespråkare want this country to be able to conclude their own trade agreements.

”Brexitförräderiet” – strong reactions in the british press

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