The Sultan of Brunei, the Federal cross of merit should be recognized, however, the Federal government, against the Southeast Asian country take action: the green Bundestag member Sven Lehmann calls. Background in the last week, which came into force in death penalty for homosexuals in the country. If same-sex partners have Sex with each other, threatening them there now that you will be stoned to death. This was “a serious attack on humanity and human rights,” says Lehmann, spokesman for social policy, and queer politics of the greens group in the Bundestag. “Human rights critics of any Merit deserve the cross!”

Lehmann also suggests the Federal government is to follow the approach of the German Bank. This had gone “a good example” with their announcement that all of the Hotels owned by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah boycott that has been going on since 1967. “As there is little tourism from Germany to Brunei, is the economy of the Central actor, to put pressure on the Sultanate of exercise.”

More companies boycott already the Hotels of the Sultan

Lehmann has made a written request to the Federal government, which German companies maintain business contacts to Brunei.

Actually the German Bank had announced last week that employees are not allowed to stay at the Hotels, which belong to the Sultanate of Brunei. Previously, the Hollywood Star George Clooney had called for a Boycott of nine luxury hotels of the Sultan. The newspaper “Financial Times”, and various real estate companies have joined in the meantime. In London’s subway and buses will in future have to depend no more Advertisements, the advertisements for holidays in the small country on the Southeast Asian island of Borneo.

The Foreign office had summoned in the past week, also the Ambassador of Brunei. Of the international protests in the country, however, so far little to impress: The law came in last week still in force.

The Sultan received in 1998, the Federal cross of merit

The claim of Lehmann, the Sultan, the Federal cross of merit, the removal of which would most probably not be successful. For the Form of the award, the Sultan received, is, in fact, provided no withdrawal procedure, as it is from the office of the Federal President.

in 1998, had awarded, therefore, the Federal President, Roman Herzog, the cross of merit, in the context of a “religious exchange”, as the Sultan was on a state visit in Germany. This order of the exchange may be subject to a separate procedure, separate and different from the “normal” award of the Federal cross of merit. Similar to how military honor, or a state Banquet, the order of exchange is a part of the state visit.

The attitude Steinmeier to Brunei’s law is clear

The order of the exchange with the Sultan was at that time “due to a in advance of the visit agreement between the two States”, the Sultan received the award “head of state”, according to the office of the Federal President. The order of exchange that is agreed upon between two States, but don’t know method, there is no Deprivation.

The position of Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter stone was my to the new law, however, clear. Steinmeier oppose the death penalty, the threat of Homosexuals with cruel punishments violate basic human rights. “An order of exchange, in the currently existing situation would be for the Federal President is not a consideration,” it says.

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death penalty for same-sex Sex Brunei gay wants to have sexual rocky

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