Last week, Jeremy Corbyn went to the Northern English Wakefield. The spin doctors of the British opposition leader, had announced in advance a programmatic Brexit-speech – certainly not a hasty step in view of the uncertainty that prevails outlet in London about the position of the Labour Party to the planned EU. Finally, the decides house this Tuesday on the negotiated package, which has been brought by the Prime Minister Theresa May from Brussels. As large parts of the conservative government group also wants to reject Labour to the withdrawal of the contract and the political future of statement, that’s for sure. But then what?

Since the election of the left-hand Veterans Corbyn to the party leader of the old labour party has experienced a undreamt-of upswing and the number of members tripled. Approximately 540000 British, Labour may adorn himself with the title of the largest party in Western Europe. As the predominantly young Corbyn enthusiasts think recently a research project by Professor Tim Bale on the London, Queen Mary-University of determined: Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) would like to bring, by means of a second referendum, the result of the referendum in June 2016 (52:48 percent). Increasingly pressing the base calls for a corresponding change in the price of the guide. For Corbyn, the young members of the worship, is an old opponent of the European Union.

At the party Congress in Liverpool in September, speaker Keir Starmer was achieved with the help of Corbyns Brexit-a last-Minute compromise between the opposites. If the “Tory-Brexit” (in Labour Jargon) find no majority in Parliament, should it come to elections, it said. Labour will then find a better solution for the Brexit. Only if the decline to the lower house of self-dissolution, will you think about a second Referendum.

apply on both sides of the English channel renegotiation with Brussels as extremely unlikely, even Starmers environment. In truth, the strange, convoluted words have only one cause: Jeremy Corbyn. An honest speech by the opposition leader in Brexit strongholds such as Wakefield should begin with the sentence: “I’m one of you.” Corbyn, 69 years old, has laid out his view of the world in the 1960s and 1970s. Then, as now, Brussels is in the hard Left as a “Europe of the group bosses”.

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The life-long activist

The life-long activist without Uni order degree and vocational training, is called pride of internationalists. The political interest stems from the outrage over the important constants of U.S. foreign policy: the Alliance with Israel; the decades-long hostility toward Cuba; the support for the dictators in Latin America during the Cold war. Corbyn speaks excellent Spanish, his second wife comes from Chile, and his third is Mexican. The common cat answers to the name of El Gato – Spanish for cat. The governments of Cuba and Venezuela, he had for years, only positive words left.

Europe not played in Corbyns life for decades, no special role, at least for several camping trips at a young age with his motorcycle of Czech design. Of the skepticism, indeed hostility to, the political project remained the party’s left-wing faithful. When the then Labour leader and Prime Minister Harold Wilson in 1975, declaring a referendum on the first two years before, begun membership of the then EEC, was one of Corbyn in the minority of 33 per cent, the agreed defiantly.

And so it remained even after his entry into the house. Each integration step in the present EU – treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam, nice, Lisbon has rejected the ascetic vegetarians with iron-gray full beard. Pushed by the EU-friendly party basis, and in the house group, he spoke out in 2016 for the whereabouts, engaged in the referendum battle but is rare and listless. His opinions since then, sound uninspired.

As talk of Brexit-high-castle Wakefield, who is also a Labour stronghold. 15 minutes long Corbyn repeated the well-known formulas, deviates, then all the probing journalist questions. The strategy is clear: The electorate will associate the Brexit-mess exclusively with the ruling Tory. “We have to win the next election, and we need to keep us out as long as possible,” says an Insider, according to the strategy.

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Brexit Corbyns self-hypnosis

Albrecht Meier

If the rises at the end, really, is questionable. Corbyn and his closest circle drive with your indecision in a dangerous direction. Because the surveys are not encouraging: of All intra-party squabbles of the conservative party in government in Spite of would choose the most recent YouGov survey shows that currently 40 per cent for the Conservatives and 34 per cent Labour.