Berlin is not giving up, at least the leading politicians of the city. The capital city is to compete again in the Olympic games, this time for 2036, but together with other cities.

The Attempts to score in each of the years 2000 and 2024, the largest sporting event in the world after Berlin failed, but in sports, and the interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) brings the idea of an application on the agenda again. A project that raises some problems, among other things, because there are national competitors.

Who decides about the application?

That depends, ultimately, from the German Olympic sports Confederation (DOSB). The need to submit the application – it is now but before the election. Because the Rhine-Ruhr Region an almost-finished concept for the summer is already games in 2032. And that there are two German applications in a row, is unlikely. Especially since the International Olympic Committee (IOC) awarded the games last in the double: 2024 went to Paris and 2028 to Los Angeles.

What is the concept of Berlin?

Up to now, none at all, the idea is only recently known. But the obvious way is likely to be based the concept that has been developed for the application in 2024. The Basis of proximity and sustainability””. The city is regarded as a great advantage that they have already sites for many sports. In addition, the games could take place this in the middle of the city. The subject, at least in most sports. 30-needed sports facilities in Berlin could have 15 existing use, nine were temporarily erected. Only six, you would have to build a new one. Among the facilities that already exist, the Olympic stadium and the Olympic Park, swimming stadium, exhibition, Schmeling-Halle 02-World, the swimming and diving center and the velodrome. For athletics, the Olympic will be used stadium, as well as for opening and closing ceremonies. Of course, even sports outside of the city would have to be discharged. 2024 rowing and Canoeing should take place on the Betzsee and Brandenburg, canoe-Slalom in Saxony, Markkleeberg, sailing in Warnemünde, dressage riding set against the backdrop of the New Palace in Potsdam, and football in Dresden, Cottbus, Rostock and Magdeburg.

In Berlin would be enough hotel beds available for 2024 were required by the IOC 42000. However, the traffic would have to improve infrastructure significantly. Hostage relies on the fact that he receives a lot of investment grants from different sides, so that he can conserve the Berlin budget.

How are the land sports Confederation Berlin, and the DOSB to the idea of Berlin in 2036?

tentatively, what relates to the DOSB. Vice President Kaweh Niroomand stressed that the participation of the people and improved infrastructure are required. Geisel’s idea, he welcomes, in principle, but he also knows exactly how sensitive the population is responding to the theme of the Olympics. No wonder, Niroomand had an active role in the application of Berlin for the games in 2024. The Manager of the handball-Bundesliga BR Volleys is excellent in the sports and in the economic scene of the city anchored.

Thomas Härtel, the President of the country sportbunds Berlin (LSB), is located, as expected, Geisel’s idea. “We see in a job application a great opportunity for the Sport in Germany and Berlin,” he says. “The crucial question is: How to inspire we the people and convince them of the great opportunities that bring the games in Berlin? Especially in a growing city like Berlin, it is not only important that the sports infrastructure, the sports available and in good condition. Also the transport infrastructure, and indeed the whole urban development must be sustainable. As long as this is not so, Olympia is hard to explain.“

Why is 2036 a sensitive year for the Olympic games in Berlin?

Because, in 1936, found the Olympic games in Berlin, and needed the Nazis, this Mega-event for propaganda purposes. Adolf Hitler and his propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels saw the Chance to improve the Reputation of Germany in the world. The Nuremberg race laws and concentration camps for opponents of the regime were international met with much criticism. Berlin had been awarded the contract in 1931, but after the seizure of power by the Nazis, there were plans of some countries to boycott the games. Nothing came of it ultimately.

LSB-President Härtel says, an application for 2036 will be seen by the LSB “as a very sensitive challenge and as an opportunity”. Germany could show the world what it has become, 100 years later, for a open and democratic country. Udo Wolf, leader of the Left faction in the Berlin house of representatives, asked, however, was stunned: “this is A bad joke, or?” Even Berlin’s Senator of justice, Dirk Behrendt (Green) opposes the proposal. The Federal Ministry of the interior, however, is for Sport to be responsible, wants to examine the proposal.

Why the failure of the city’s bid for the 2024 Olympics?

Formally, because Berlin has lost the fight vote for the German candidate city against Hamburg. The DOSB voted for the Hanseatic city. This vote was based heavily on the enormous criticism that it had given in the capital in a bid for the Olympic games. With the critics for some time much louder than the supporters. The Olympic campaign of the city came much too late, the person responsible managed to make the overall concept of a broad mass of tasty. Bitter for the IOC: Hamburg’s population, Olympia is not wanted. In a Referendum, the Olympia-opponents prevailed by a narrow majority. Hamburg is removed on a bid for 2024.

What is the concept of the Rhine-Ruhr?

The Region is aiming for a total of 14 cities in a bid to host the games in 2032. The plans, which are conducted by the experienced Cologne-based sports Manager Michael Mronz, are already far advanced. Almost 90 percent of the sports venues already exist. The application is able to draw according to Mronz, among other things, on existing 24 large sports halls, 16 stages and about 700000 square meters of exhibition space. So to install pool in Gelsenkirchen, for example, a temporary swimming pool. Mönchengladbach is going to be a hockey site. And the stadium in Düsseldorf could hook parquet floors and the roof closed for the major ball sports use – Monday Basketball Tuesday Volleyball Wednesday volleyball in front of 50 000 spectators.

Unclear is where the athletics stadium, the Olympic village and the media centre. Thus, the Rhine-Ruhr is benefiting, as a Region, is targeted for a re-use of the village as a residential area due to the lack of a solution in Cologne or Düsseldorf.

What is the difference between the idea of the Berlin?

The concept of the Rhine-Ruhr wants to Finance, according to a statement from Mronz largely by the private sector. North Rhine Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet and the 14 municipalities have already signaled their consent. Even if the plans are very specific, it is not a finished application, but until now, an offer. The application itself is the responsibility of the German Olympic Sportbunds. First, surveys show that the consent of the population to 70 percent. The costs are not yet calculated. This could be done according to the Initiator Michael Mronz only serious, if the IOC has announced the games officially.

What are the failed German applications generally last?

The deadline for applications for the summer games in 2024 in Hamburg and the winter games of 2022 in Munich have failed in referendums. But skepticism about the Olympic Games, especially in the Winter, prevailed recently in a variety of Western metropolises. Applications were withdrawn because of resistance from the population. For the winter games in 2026, only two candidates are even in the race – and both, in the case of Stockholm, as well as in the case of Milan/Cortina, the financing is not yet clarified the question completely. Criticism of the immense cost. Also a General mistrust towards sports associations like the IOC and the world football Association Fifa, which reached the world Cup award to Qatar in 2022 because of corruption in the headlines. The games in Sochi in 2014 were record-breaking cost of an estimated US $ 50 billion, mainly because of the scandal surrounding the Russian state doping in memory.

What games is the wish of the IOC?

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“Strong impulse for the Region,” Brandenburg mixes in the Olympic debate

André Görke

The IOC has set a target to collect with the Agenda 2020 of sympathy points, and lost trust to regain. Especially the much-criticized Olympic gigantism, it said the battle. So, in the future, less requirements for candidates to apply. The Minimum should be reduced in sites of spectators of the sport and at the same time the Radius of which is extended to existing structures to make better use of and unnecessary new buildings to prevent. Billion-dollar investments in stadiums and sport halls, which would no longer be utilized after the Olympics, or even expired, should be avoided.