Several high-profile candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elisabeth Warren, and Beto O’rourke, has already announced that they set up in the democratic primary in the hope to be set against Donald Trump in the presidential election in 2020.
The former vice president Joe Biden is also expected to stand as a candidate, he has, according to the american CNN indicated to friends that it ”almost certainly”, according to people familiar with the discussions, can the candidature be published as early as in april.
Joe Biden have experienced to disclose their intentions publicly, on a insamlingsmiddag in Delaware.
” I get criticized from the vänsterhåll. I have the most progressive history of all the american… of anyone who would be able to set up, he said to a cheering home crowd, writes CNN.
His slip of the tongue, in spite of was Joe Biden unwilling to officially declare his candidacy. However, he talked about how he would do in order to defeat Donald Trump in a may presidential election. Joe Biden criticized the president for his comments on the nazistdemonstrationerna in Charlottesville, for his way to deal with other countries ‘ leaders, and the republican budget.
against them, he promised to help. Remember how he would help the middle class, the police, brandbekämparna, the building workers clearing, farmers, teachers… So many people in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, which have been blown by a global economy in change and left behind his administration’s draconian policies, he said, according to CNN.
The prospective candidate was greeted by an enthusiastic audience and tillropen ”Run, Joe, Run!!!”, that is to say, ”Run, Joe, Run”.
– He not only looks to be back. He looks to be ready for the fight. In my opinion, so we have never had to Joe Biden more than we need him now, ” said Delaware democratic governor John Carney to CNN: