Much of the asylpolitikken in Granavolden-statement is a repetition of the earlier promises to the Right, and the conservative party’s affiliates.

Granavolden-declaration shows the challenge with the cooperation of regjeringsgrunnlag for small parties with a strong commitment on the saksfelt where they do not get departementsansvar, or in other ways directly influence in the government. When forced to use regjeringsforhandlinger to push forward concrete commitments on key areas.

Ann-Magrit Austenå. Show more

Strengthened the rule of law for converts is such a point for the Sector. In asylavtalen between the Right, the progress party, the Left Sector from February 2014, which was a part of regjeringsgrunnlaget for the conservatives-progress party government, it was agreed to secure a better alternative dispute resolution system for the immigration cases and to examine whether it should be created forvaltningsdomstol in the immigration field.

It was in 2014 also agreed that the practice of protection based on religion or affiliation to a social group (sexual orientation) should be assessed separately. This should be carried out “as soon as possible.”

a Year after a study lawyer Cecilie Schjatvet practice in the Norwegian directorate of Immigration (UDI) and UNE when it came to persecution based on religion and sexual orientation. Schjatvedt recommended to add the same methods to reason in the treatment of credibility and the need of protection in convert issues, as in cases about sexual orientation.

This requires that more people can explain themselves in cases

noah’s shipped in 2017 up with a report on the situation for iranian converts, in cooperation with The Norwegian church, the Norwegian Christian Council and the Stefanusalliansen, the Report concludes with a clear recommendation that the konvertittsaker, it will say questions about trosidentitet, should be treated according to the same model that questions about sexual orientation, in order to avoid sending converts back to persecution or to the need to hide their faith for the return.

In Jeløya-platform got Left into that the government should make a renewed review of the dispute resolution system in the immigration field. Here could be the Left support of the regjeringsoppnevnte Graves range, which in march 2017 came with a clear criticism of the lack of opportunity for personal attendance and lack of contradiction in the Une klagesaksbehandling. Contradiction means that the parties must have the opportunity to refute the other party’s presentation of the case.

despite agreement back to 2014, and the statements from several central progress party politicians in support of the converts and religiously persecuted, Solberg governments to now – with the conservative party in the Justice department – not been a driving force to strengthen the rule of law for these groups. The prime minister underlines that the rule of law in asylprosessen to be taken care of, has not contributed to any initiative from the department of Justice to implement the announced review of the dispute resolution system.

Immigration must be reformed Debate

the Progress has at Granavolden, therefore, been forced to push through the object lessons of the reform measures in the complaint that applies to converts, and a review of the practice in matters relating to persecution on account of religion.

to attend the need for more pervasive changes in Une practice, KrFs vice-chairman, Kjell Britain Ropstad, stood at the head of a representantforslag in Parliament to strengthen the rule of law in asylprosessen (document 8:237 S (2017-2018)). The proposal contains two measures that will strengthen UNE where the criticism from the Tombs-selection was the sharpest:

1. The parliament asks the government to implement measures to ensure full contradiction in klagesaksbehandlingen in the appeals board.

2. The parliament asks the government to take action to ensure that a significantly larger number of people are given the opportunity to explain himself orally at the klagesaksbehandling in the appeals board.

At Granavolden have Erna Solberg again committed to lead a regjeringsarbeid that will reform the UNE to strengthen the rule of law in asylsaksbehandlingen. A work that is absolutely necessary and after several investigations; overmodent.

Equality is an important element in the rule of law. Therefore, the rule of law in the treatment of the convert issues be strengthened. But also in other asylum cases there will be doubt about the credibility, the need for personal attendance in nemndbehandling and the need for vitneførsel to shed light on the applicant’s credibility and clarification of the actual conditions.

Listhaugs bedrock trembles Comment

For the best possible rule of law with equal treatment of all types of complaints, believes that noah’s the only logical and in principle correct, will be that the coalition parties are now following up Granavolden policy with the overall support to the representantforslaget in the Parliament. Erna Solberg can’t claim she uphold the rule of law, if samarbeidspartier forced to use the new regjeringsforhandlinger for bitwise to get pushed through the object lesson of the earlier promised reforms in asylsaksbehandlingen.

another point is repeated in the new regjeringserklæringen, is the reduction in the fee refugees have to pay to apply for family reunification. This was also in the Jeløya-statement, but was not followed up in the proposed budget for 2019.

the Fee to seek family reunification with adult person is in the day 10.500€. An unreasonably high sum for the newly arrived refugees, which must be seen in context with a short deadline – six months – to apply for family reunification.

If this promise shall be realized, should the Progress and Left to make sure that it is carried out as soon as possible – no later in the budget for 2020. By preventing children and spouses to be reunited with refugees in Norway, denied the right to family life and the government does not follow up its commitment to emphasizing the child’s best interests as a primary consideration.