the Shares in the B&O increased by 16 percent Tuesday after a report eased investors ‘ fears for the future.

While december featured a singing little farther to the investors in Bang & Olufsen, they could on Tuesday to enjoy the pleasure of a neat increase.

It came on the back of a set of accounts that were not flashy.

the Accounts gydede however, oil on the waters in relation to the fear, as a significant downgrade in december had created for the future.

It was a bad accounting. But we knew that already, since they downgraded before christmas, ” says B&O analyst at Sydbank Morten Imsgard.

– So, I think that investors have taken a sigh of relief over the fact that there was not more skeletons in the closets, and that the explanation of december is maintained. They have many big changes that have disrupted sales.

– it Turns out to be transitory problems, so was this fall in december too violently, he says.

Technology – 8. jan. 2019 – at. 10:18 Revenue plummets with B&O – but they still earn money

After the downgrade in december, when the company told, that there was no waiting for a growth in sales in the financial year, the decrease of the B&O share of 30 percent in a day, and cut over two billion dollars in the company’s market value.

Tuesday was the council partially up for it with an increase of 16 percent, which laid the 639 million to the market value, which at the børslukketid was 4.7 billion kroner.

the Accounts on Tuesday confirmed that sales fell for the B&O, which sold for 909 million in the period september to november.

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Positive, it was, however, that the profits rose and the profit margin – the proportion of sales, there will be money in the till – rose.

– We have become smarter that B&O has got launched some products, they actually make money on.

– It should of course be a minimum for all companies. But B&O has had the problem, that they have sold well, but not have been able to make money on the products.

– But now it seems, that the products, the production and distribution contributes to the bottom line. And it must be said to be crucial, says Morten Imsgard.

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