Emilie Flygare Carlén. Photo: Alamy 1800-talskvinnor on export

this week, an exhibition opened at the university Library in Gothenburg, where a research shows up the results of his research on Swedish women to the 1800s, writers such and their success abroad. Fredrika Bremer, Selma Lagerlöf, Anne-Charlotte Leffler, Julia Nyberg, and Emilie Flygare Carlén is the author that researchers focused on, and, in particular, the latter stands out:

“She was a celebrity abroad and, without competition, the most-read, most-translated and best-paid writer, right up to Selma Lagerlöf, author of heyday,” says Yvonne Leffler, litteraturprofessor and project manager for the research.

Cho Nam-joo has written the novel ”Kim Ji-young, born in 1982”. Photo: Mimusa

In the Korean society, the literature is holy and has a holy place in the elitkulturen

The south Korean publisher Jeon Seong-won speaks out in The New York review of books about how south Korea’s metoorörelse to a large extent has been influenced by the literary scandals, among others, by Cho Nam-joos acclaimed novel ”Kim Ji-young, born in 1982” and övergreppsanklagelserna against the Nobelpristippade poet Ko Un.

the Battle of populism

The next few years, the central political conflict stand between right wing populism and the vänsterpopulism, says belgian political scientist Chantal Mouffe. In connection with her book ”To vänsterpopulismens defense,” is published in Swedish organizes Aspudden bookstore a call between tankesmeden Daniel Suhonen and political scientist Jenny Gunnarsson Payne.

At 19: 00 on 25 February. Aspudden bookstore, Hägerstensvägen 130, Stockholm, sweden. Admission: 50 sek.

Wera von Essen. Photo: Matti Koli 100 000

the crowns, the one who is awarded the Borås Newspaper prize – in the year Wera von Essen, for his autofiktiva novel ” A debutants diary”. The jury’s motivation was: ”For a nonchalant and stylish story with the diary’s logic explores the conditions and limits of creation.”

Christian Roupenians ”Kattmänniska”. Photo: Albert Bonniers publishers, this Week’s excerpt

On march 1st, drew the attention of the Christian Roupenians collection of short stories ”Kattmänniska” by Albert Bonniers förlag, in the translation of Amanda Svensson.