most people seem to have a mythical murder in his life. My own was the so-called Lillemor-murder in 1970, where a 15-year-old girl who would hitch a ride to a disco outside Kramfors strangled and thrown down from the Sandöbron. I myself was nine years old and followed the articles in the New north, if they were creepy messages from a tonårsvärld I soon was on the way in.

In the novel ”All the air that surrounds us,” starts Tom Malmquist from such a for him the mythical murder. It all starts with that he goes home to his parents to borrow the tableware is wrapped in newsprint in a vindsförråd. On a crumpled page out of the local newspaper Mitt I Huddinge, he sees a note about the murder that he was never able to forget.

a naked 29-year-old man dead in a cave in the Sörskogen. The face was devastated, next to the naked body stood a pair of shoes. The 13-year-old Tom took the bike to the murder but did not come further than to the police blue and white tape.

the Poet Tom Malmquist romandebuterade 2016 ”In each moment, we are still alive”, an autobiographical story that became a minor best-seller. He and his pregnant girlfriend Karin goes into the hospital for what it believes is a common flu. It turns out to be acute leukaemia. She captured the down, the child picked out by caesarean section and after a week dies she.

It was almost not to understand how Tom Malmquist was able to describe the nightmarish process as tightly and held back. Sjukhusscenerna alternated with episodes from their relationship and life afterwards with her daughter, Livia.

His original mix of sorgebok and kärleksskildring received a number of awards, including Dagens Nyheter’s cultural prize for that he, as the citation read, ”on the basis of the depth of pain, manages to create a crystalline work which again allows us to believe in literature, creative ability,”

Tom Examples of book of mormon, ”In every moment, we are still alive” received a number of awards, including Dagens Nyheter’s culture prize. Photo: Nicklas Thegerstrom

a book that has gone straight into so many readers ‘ heart really is not enviable. And ”All the air that surrounds us” unfortunately don’t have the same sharpness and nerve, but is a rather slow story.

Based on the nyhetsnotisen start Malmquist research grottmordet, eagerly cheered on by Karin, who is still in life. He becomes increasingly more obsessed, reading investigations and autopsy reports, looking for up police officers and prosecutors, relatives and colleagues.

the Victim with the literary-sounding name Mikael K turns out to be a shy, lonely and possibly gay man who works at the post office. On a photograph from the police search of his apartment is a proposed paperback book with the title ”A book on suicide,” which offered fifty effective and painless tips on how to commit suicide.

So, Mikael was K murdered? Or had he possibly paid someone to be murdered? Thus, an ordered suicide?

this novel is that of Tom Malmquist never succeed in getting me to be just as fascinated by Mikael K’s death as he himself is. I read the politely questioning, and police reports, following his conversation with the police officers and psychologists, but does not become seriously interested in the person that is slow and cumbersome to be induced. Blank Examples of driver never gets the reader’s drive.

Now you might say that his search for Michael K is also a search for himself. Through murder, forced Malmquist go back to her own childhood in sutterängvillan with the known sportjournalistpappan, as he has little contact with, and a more nurturing mother. He likes to see the different relations between Mikael K’s fate and his own depressivitet and thoughts of suicide. But neither of the pictures from the childhood become sufficiently compelling and meaningful.

So Tom Malmquist drop in it as many writers that emanates from the documentary materials often fail: to get it live. You can read ”All the air that surrounds us” as an attempt to with the help of the investigations and protocols come close to death frightening incomprehensibility. But it is, paradoxically, only when the Malmquist finally takes fiction to help and write up what he believes happened on that summer evening in the cave in Huddinge as for his prose gets a proper glow.

Tom Malmquist alice’s parents that he should be finished with his book about the murder of Michael K before the baby comes. It was never so. It is possible that he had to write this book to fulfill the promise and to come on in his writing career. Now it’s done.

Read more: New York Times pays tribute to Tom Malmquist ”

Read more: ”the Price will be a confirmation that you’ve done something good.”