There have been two professional damhockeyligor in north America the past few years. But now canadian CWHL down and then remains only the american league NWHL, which consists of five teams.

But now there is certainly no play in the NWHL next season. On Thursday passed the 200 north american pro players out in a joint statement and said they are boycotting the games next year.

the Reason is the poor conditions.

” To not have health insurance, and earn as little as two thousand dollars (20.000 sek) in a season means that the player can’t train and prepare at the highest level, writes the canadian and american players, in the statement.

so, the players have a higher goals with their action: to get the NHL to take responsibility for the professional damhockeyn.

And it is not impossible. So far, the NHL supported the two damligorna with a little bit of money and said that you can’t do more as long as you do not have the commercial control.

the Former Swedish landslagsstjärnan and expertkommentatorn Maria Rooth believe that something will happen.

” There has been talk for many years that there must be a league with a strong party (the NHL) that hold in it. Now you take matters into your own hands and I feel that this is the right way to go.

” Absolutely, but there is no better opportunity. Now have one the league put down, so it is the right time. It has been far too poor condition for them to play given the level they’re at, ” says Maria Rooth.

” They have not only their own best interests, but the generations that will come. So it is not just for those who play right now, but for it to become a better league in the future, ” says Maria Rooth.

can be more canadian and american players choosing to play in the Swedish team’s original, SDHL, the coming season.

– It is a possibility. When I was there yesterday, my first thought was that the probability is quite big that they will come to SDHL, ” says Angelica Lindeberg, commercial director at the SDHL.

– it is Then up to the clubs to take the decision how you choose to do, if you take in a lot of or if you where making a small restriction in order to take advantage of the Swedish players.

Angelica Lindeberg welcome to the north american players ‘ action.

– basically, I think it is very good, it is incredibly important. This will be of great importance and I would be surprised if it does not happen anything also. I think damhockeyn deserve more, ” says Angelica Lindeberg.

has succeeded in the past to threaten with a boycott. Before the home world CUP in 2017, called for better compensation for play.

Then was the conflict with the NHL joined in with the money. The question is whether it will be the same now.

”ten years is damhockeyn a part of the NHL”

14 seconds, which opened hockeyvärldens eyes (if Kendall Coyne Schofields successful appearance in the NHL’s All-Star show)