In the magazine the Times Higher Education latest ranking of world’s universities received EU four of the places on the top 20 list. All were uk: Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College and London University College.

the Ranking has been on the basis of quality teaching, research, citationsfrekvens, internationalism and industrikoppling. Other rankings show similar results.

ended up in eleventh place, but Switzerland is not a member of the EU. Germany is the EU country with the best location – Munich university reached no. 32. Karolinska Institutet, the Swedish university that was placed at the top of the seat 40.

Last year, the number of applicants, the phd students to the Uk from EU countries by nine percent. Overall, the fell the number of applicants to uk universities during the last studieterminen by three per cent. At the same time increased the number of students who will be studying for a bachelor’s degree with a percent.

I have spoken very much with the Royal Society, and they are extremely concerned. Among other things, for businesses to relocate their research departments.

– Göran K. Hansson, the Royal Academy’s permanent secretary.

british mps and a letter from 150 university management. In the letter, expressed concern that a avtalslöst utträdesavtal would lead to ”an academic, cultural and scientific setback that it would take decades to recover from”.

Furthermore, you write: ”university management is united in its belief that a avtalslöst the EUROPEAN union-withdrawal is one of the greatest threats that our university has ever faced.”

Uk university management has also expressed concern about their university future research funding. You want to get a guarantee that the funding you received, granted before the Brexit will be replaced.

Funding from the European research council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme (MSCA) in the Uk during the next two years amounts to just over sek 13 billion – which will go to projects to fight cancer and climate change.

close contact with british research institutions are the Royal Academy’s permanent secretary, Göran K. Hansson. He says that Brexit has created a great concern among academies in the Uk.

” I have spoken a lot with the Royal Society, and they are extremely concerned. Among other things, for businesses to relocate their research departments, ” he says.

Minister: We need each other

Uncertainty about Brexit has created a great concern among british forskningssällskap. ”I have spoken a lot with the Royal Society, and they are extremely concerned,” says the Royal Academy’s permanent secretary, Göran K. Hansson (in the middle). Photo: Carl Bredberg

there are several reasons why the british are leaving will have a negative impact on the rest of the EU forskningsställning.

– If it is difficult for young scientists in Europe to come to the Uk and vice versa, the consequences will be great. Science is a international world, the talks and kunskapsutbytena mean very much, ” he says and continues:

– the united kingdom and the scandinavian countries have pushed for EU research funding should be based on quality and not lobbying and political pressure. There is a concern that we are losing a strong voice for quality.

an academic weakening of the whole of Europe. This is according to Gunnar Wetterberg, historian, author and member of the Royal Swedish Academy of sciences.

Both the EUROPEAN union and the united kingdom is liable to be the loser if the uk universities are not included in the EU research collaborations. The ERC has funded part of the scientific cooperation with the british, and made it more attractive for them to work with the europeans, but now there is the risk that the british are starting to work more with the americans, ” he says.

today paying EU students as much in tuition fees as the brits themselves do, which is made possible through the european exchange program Erasmus. Other international students pay significantly higher fees. If charges are increased for EU-students fear Gunnar Wetterberg that large consequences can occur.

– It can be very hard financially to study in the Uk. Quality will not change, but that it is the economic conditions that create new conditions and the people must be aware of.

”the European research council has funded a part of the scientific cooperation with the british, and made it more attractive for them to work with the europeans, but now there is the risk that the british are starting to work more with the americans,” says Gunnar Wetterberg, historian, author and member of the Royal Swedish Academy of sciences. Photo: Christine Olsson

in the EU must try to find opportunities to continue to work closely with the british.

another tip he gives is to the students. They should start to consider to seek out French or German universities instead of british, ” he says.

” I understand that language is an important aspect when seeking to the Uk. But if you are looking for academic excellence, you can get it in France or Germany. You may tear a little more, but get an auxiliary language, which is a bonus, ” says Gunnar Wetterberg.

there is a concern that the union may incur an academic and scientifically debilitating after Brexit. The mean mep Fredrick Federley (C), a member of the committee for research issues.

” Brexit go from ambiguity to ambiguity, even with respect to research and training. In committee, we see jätteallvarligt on it here. If the british no longer will be in the Horizon Europe (the EU framework programme for collaboration in research and innovation), it is a huge lack of knowledge. At a avtalslöst exit, we know not how we shall be able to exchange information and knowledge around the research questions, ” he says.

”In the research we see jätteallvarligt on this”, says mep Fredrick Federley (C) if the risk for Europe to fall behind in research and innovation after the Brexit. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

Fredrick Federley out that if the british leave the EU without an agreement, it is of great importance to other universities in the union is seeking to establish an agreement that makes sure that no important research work is interrupted.

– The british universities are not successful because they are british, but because they have access to science and joint projects with universities throughout Europe. They are well aware that if they become completely isolated, without access to the other EU-universities – so they will also suffer as a result.

most european research projects in different constellations that form a project team that is seeking the funds together – one benefit when you are working with a number of other countries. Sweden’s most common partner is the united kingdom.

(MP), who is also a member of the committee for science and research, so, Sweden would lose a lot of uk universities turned away from Europe.

– Brexit will undermine the free movement of people. The british universities are concerned, because a large proportion of those who are active there come from other european countries, ” he says.

”in Order to avoid the british turn away from Europe, in these issues, I think that Sweden should look at the possibility that british scientists should be able to work at Swedish universities, and to participate in EU research programmes by establishing branches there, and through them be able to seek research funding”, says mep, Jakop Dalunde (MP). Photo: Lisa Mattisson, Lisa Mattisson

– in Order to avoid it, I think that Sweden should look at the possibility that british scientists should be able to work at Swedish universities, and to participate in EU research programmes by establishing branches there, and through them be able to seek funding, ” he continues.

to ensure that the Uk can continue to be a part of the Horizon Europe.

– Research win-win international cooperation; it is an area that benefits from globalisation and the exchange of thoughts and ideas. In the event of a hard Brexit should I do everything I can to british and Swedish universities to continue collaborating in the future, ” says Jakop Dalunde.

Read also: this happens with Brexit now