With views of the Brexit-the dispute has called on the British police, and all politicians and activists, through their behavior, the tense mood in the country, not even fuel. The people should not – in Talk – to make up for the raise, said the Chairman of the Council of police chiefs NPCC, Martin Hewitt, on Thursday in London.

Approximately 10,000 specially-trained police officers would be within 24 hours in the case of larger disturbances in the case of an unregulated EU-exit, the Council of Europe. “We are in an incredibly heated atmosphere,” said Hewitt. If it were only precautions. The NPCC coordinates the work of the police in the UK.

In the United Kingdom are growing fears about a possible EU-exit without any agreement on the 12. April. This would have serious consequences for the economy and many other areas of life.

On Thursday, the government and the Labour-Opposition to full day of deliberations to find in the frozen Brexit-the dispute may still be a compromise. The FDP’s top candidate in the European election, Nicola Beer, spoke of “small hope glimmering in the dark Brexit-Drama”. More this is not the case, but said the FDP General Secretary. The green MEP Sven Giegold said in the südwestrundfunk (SWR), a Deal the British parties would be sufficient to move the Brexit-time plan again. Only if an exit agreement will be signed, whether a deadline extension is possible. In the case of a second Referendum or elections in the United Kingdom, the EU should agree to it but also a longer Deadline.

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, The EU Commission wanted to inform Brussels about it, as it has for the case of a chaotic leaving the EU in the areas of transport, food safety and health prepared.

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to exit the EU with the private consequences Of Brexit is not in front of families Holding

Sebastian Borger

The house of Commons in London had increased in the late Wednesday evening, the pressure on the Prime Minister, Theresa May: It approved a law that will oblige the government to a further Brexit-delay. However, the house of lords still has to agree to. The goal is to prevent a departure from the community without a contract. (dpa)