According to industry association CIVC sales went down by 1.8 per cent to 302 million sold bottles in 2018.

– the decrease in Volume is a little worrying because the decline in France and the united kingdom has not been compensated by higher sales outside of the EU, said vice-president of the organization, Jean-Marie Barillere.

accounts for around 60 per cent of the total volymförsäljningen. In France, sales were down so much that for the first time in 100 years has sold more bottles outside of France than in the country. CIVC pointing to the sluggish economy and the Yellow västarnas prostester around in France that some of the reasons for the reduced demand.

sales have gone down for the third year in a row, partly as a result of the country’s planned exit from the EU. Also the competition from the Italian bubblet prosecco, which is three to four times cheaper than champagne, has been clearly labelled.

Sales of champagne went, however, strongly on the other parts of the world, including in the united states and Japan. The biggest increase you see in south Africa, where the sale of the number of bottles increased by over 38 per cent.

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