Mr. Roth, to grant the EU the British at the Brexit a long extension of the period up to 2020?

We have no time problem. In London there are, above all, a decision-making problem. We have granted to the British on several occasions more time. So far is been taken from the British side, not a single decision that brings us into the pain of Brexit-question. We want to prevent an unregulated Brexit. But I have the impression that you should not put the patience of European partners on a too large sample. The became today, during the interview, the Minister for Europe, with the EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, in Luxembourg, very clearly.

What to deliver to the British government boss Theresa May at the EU special summit, in order to get an extension? It must have an agreement with the head of the Labour party’s Jeremy Corbyn in the bag?

It is difficult to say whether the Prime Minister May already achieve in the next few days, a compromise with the Labour party. A Chance for an extension I only see, if the European institutions work. If it is prolonged beyond a certain date, the UK participate in the European elections. And: Should there really be an extension of a few weeks, then we need a firm commitment from London that the UK is a constructive and loyal behavior in the EU institutions. We do not currently have to decide in the EU on important issues, not least the future funding of the EU. Since we can’t afford to have any blockages from a member country wishing to actually leave the EU.

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To the British, if they should stay any longer, only constructive, or even abstain, when it comes to topics such as the future EU financial framework for the period starting in 2021?

We all need to act always in conformity with the law. A member country of the EU has all the rights and obligations. But you also say: so Far, this has worked out quite well, the British Partner set a certain amount of restraint when it comes to future decisions in the EU after Brexit. In this constructive political climate, it has to go but now even more.

For the duration of a possible extension are referred to different periods: up to 22. May up to 30. June or no later than up to 10. April 2020. Where is the preference of the Federal government?

Our priority lies first in the prevention of unregulated Brexit. Secondly, we want to ensure the cohesion of the EU in the Brexit. And thirdly, we want to create, finally, also for the long-overdue debate about the future direction of the EU.

May want to have an extension of up to 30. June. Is this at all realistic?

The most important actors in the UK, to indicate to us very clearly that you have no interest in the European elections. If it is, then it can’t go even a long period of time. Because one thing is clear: If you are over 22. May, is a participation in the European elections is inevitable.

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great Britain to exit the EU in The Brexit paving the way for the long extension

Albrecht Meier

The conversation Albrecht Meier.