What to do if a good friend has maneuvered itself into a cul-de-SAC and alone is no way to find out? Offer help, of course. The friend needs to want to accept this help, of course, when the story is off the hook.

In London today, to the Showdown. If not mistaken, is Theresa May not find a majority for Brexit Deal. Then Weeping and gnashing of teeth will be rattling deafening increase, on the island as on the continent. No side is really the rules prepared on a “hard Brexit” without a contract, and Transition. The Date 29. March would be a disaster for the British, for the Germans, for the EU.

It is in Germany’s interest to prevent that. Therefore, the idea is to stop the clock, right. Better yet, even talking. Better all the arrangements. Can repair the EU and the British are somewhere and a face-saving way out of the ends open?


repair, However, must be done without illusions. The agreement between the EU and London, painstakingly, cannot be repaired. And the Stopping of the clock is not a solution. More time is, at best, a tool to find a. That, it seems, is not identified. In the policy the time factor is a two-edged sword. The sense of time, takes away the pressure to make unpleasant decisions. The Brexit talks were an example of how the British took all the time you had. You got caught up in false hopes, what you win and how little you would have to give up. You have changed, if this proved to be an Illusion, dear negotiator and Minister to face hard insights.

Now, as the time runs away, returns to the realism slowly. Very slowly. The reports on the emergency response arrangements of the government, in order to reduce the Chaos in a hard Brexit, make a lot of impression. The public opinion is in motion. They has not sorted but still resilient. None of the three options – hard-Brexit, soft Brexit on the basis of a contract, u-turn and Remain in the EU – a clear majority. In this situation, more time can help the fermentation process on the island. After this serious talk, what works and what does not.

clock-Stop risks

A way out of this is because of more attractive. The British can unilaterally take the exit: in order to gain time for renegotiations. Of course, a watch is connected-Stop with risks. All EU States would have to agree to a new Deal. Well, some new concessions request for your Yes: the member of the EU, Ireland, with a view to its relationship to the British province of Northern Ireland, and Spain because of Gibraltar, and more…

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Brexit-vote As Brussels prepared for Mays Failure

Markus Grabitz

the inalienable interests changed nothing. Germany needs both: a friendly Alliance with great Britain, which is not poisoned by divorce, frustrations, and a functioning EU. The British must be allowed to escape on fair terms, cohesion and ability to act of the EU may, however, take no harm. Neither the movement of persons in Ireland, question is much room. And if the British want to think, once again, decides not to German Wishes; it is up to you. Time, it is said, could heal. Hopefully here, too.