london britain parliament election campaign starts officially today, parliament closed its doors.

the first of the December elections, nearly 100 years are exceptional in the EU-a divorce decree today due. The british people elect a new mp his 12. December.

Yle of your list of five questions and answers approach to brexit-election.

1. How will the election result affect Uk EU-get rid of?

the Election might even stop the EU-the difference.

the labour party has won when he promised to negotiate with the EU-difference between the contract again and then let the people choose a new treaty or the EU as a member of stay of between.

the Conservatives, in turn, are hoping the elections will bring a majority in parliament, allowing prime minister Boris Johnson negotiated by the EU-erosopimus exported to the parliament’s reading of through.

in the Uk uses a majority election system, which favors two main parties, the.

2. What the election campaign will become?

the election campaign is expected to go up to the office, as Britain is divided on EU-erokysymykset due to sharply different camps. Conservative leader Boris Johnson promised to implement the EU-the difference and blame the other established parties the “people’s will” against it.

the conservative party wants the elections to focus on above all brexit was. The labour party seeks to raise the traditional electoral issues, for example public health funding.

3. Who is believed to win the election?

the conservative party lead in the opinion polls and Boris Johnson is the people to go to a man. The party chose him as their leader largely because Johnson is believed to be doing electoral battle in.

the labor party leader Jeremy corby’s approval ratings are low, but the party seeks to repeat the year 2017 elections left a surprise.

corby’s labour party to bridge the at the time caught the conservatives by nearly 20 percentage points ahead and destroyed the prime minister of Theresa May scanty majority in parliament

4. Who will take votes from who?

the outcome of the Election is difficult to predict, as the british exchange now party loyalty in a fast pace.

support for EU membership, the conservatives are no longer feeling the party as their own. On the other hand, the EU-get rid of the believe the labour party can reject a new referendum, promising Labour.

Nigel Farage Brexit-the party can take the EU-the difference between profitable votes from both parties.

the Moderate voters shunned by so conservative a steep brexit-line as Jeremy corby’s strict line left wing and on the lookout for are the liberal democrats direction.

5 Why is the election held?

the conservative party leader Boris Johnson has wanted elections for a long time. He thinks he can get them to party their own the majority of the British parliament the house of commons.

the support of the majority he could get the EU-divorce settlement for the approval of parliament.

the labor party leader Jeremy Corby was practically forced to go to elections, since the Scottish national party and the liberal democrats settled the election behind.

Brexit-the process is stuck, above all, therefore, that the conservatives lost the 2017 election already shaky parliamentary its majority.

Read more:

the British labour party’s election campaign began in earnest – Jeremy Corby promised to secure a good divorce settlement

British christmas election you can change the brexit was radically or even the EU-the difference between the withdrawal – or end up thinking about a stalemate?

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