In a passionate reader’s letter in the London “Times” called on top German representatives from politics, economy and society, the British remain in the EU. The Brexit decision will be respected, said in the Friday Letter published, among other things, the CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the SPD Leader, Andrea Nahles, and the Chairman of the Green, Anna Lena Baerbock, and Robert Habeck, was signed. “But the British should know that we hold no decision is irreversible. Our door is always open: Europe is home.“

the UK has taken in Germany after the Second world war, as a sovereign Nation and as a European Power, “we have, as a German, do not forget and we are grateful,” it says. The United Kingdom and its traditions would be missing. “That’s why the British should know: We want to from the bottom of my heart, that you remain.”

the letter from Green MEPs Franziska Brantner and the Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen (CDU) was Initiated. Röttgen said the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, he was aware that the call in the UK, it is to be understood as an Intervention in favour of a second Brexit referendum. Crucial for the Initiative is a “political commitment”.

the signatories, BDI-President Dieter Kempf, the DGB Chairman Reiner Hoffmann, the EKD Council chair Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Daimler chief Dieter Zetsche, Dead-trousers-front-man Campino and former football goalkeeper Jens Lehmann to include, among many others.

Schäuble: One of the “big defeats in Europe”

In a separate Opinion piece in the “Times” said Röttgen, after the clear rejection of the Brexit Treaty through the British house of Commons, only the choice between an unregulated exit Brexit and a departure from the EU. The country should decide, therefore, for a second Referendum, the EU would be from his point of view, to a shift of the exit date on the 29. March ready.

Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, however, is not sure whether London needed after the rejection of the Brexit Treaty in the British house of Commons now have more time to negotiate. “I can’t judge very difficult, because we know at the moment what is in the moment of the request of the British government,” said Steinmeier after a Meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Berlin. It is unclear, “whether you are looking for the possibilities of a child Brexit or whether it makes things easy to run”.

Steinmeier sees in the turmoil of the Brexit now, the government in London on the train. “The decisions are now in the UK,” he said. “Who wants a strong Europe, can regret the resignation of Britain only.” The result of the UK referendum on exiting the EU had to be respected. The time is now become very scarce. It was now up to Britain to seek a way, in their own country, a majority was capable of. Mattarella stressed that the UK remain even after the Brexit a friendly and allied country.

For the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) would be an actual withdrawal of Britain from the EU, one of the “big defeats in Europe”. In an interview with the magazine “Focus” he said at the same time, the discussion about the Brexit have, however, contributed to the unity of the rest of the 27 EU member States.

Federal government waits to step in, the government May from

The Federal government wants to wait and see after the Failure of the Brexit Treaty, in the London Parliament, first of all, the “Plan B”, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May. It is now up to the British to make the next step, said government spokesman Steffen Seibert in Berlin. On the question of whether the Federal government could renegotiate the exit agreement between the EU and the UK-exclusive, Seibert said: “the UK is now your turn to say what should be the next step, a possible new direction, a new proposal.”

For Friday afternoon was to call the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker stated. May have requested the phone call, said a Commission spokesman. What emerged was not immediately known. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and May had a phone call on Thursday, Seibert said. It went about how it is going on now. Details of Seibert mentioned.

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dispute over EU exit in the Liveblog May: No-Deal-Brexit can be excluded, “impossible”

Kai Portmann John Laub Meier Ruth Ciesinger Nantke Garrelts

On the 21. January must submit May to the Parliament in London, a “Plan B” for the rejected Brexit agreement it had negotiated with Brussels. 29. January is supposed to be voted on in the house. The UK wants to on 29. March from the European Union to leak. (mja, dpa)