win Five weeks before the Leaving date, a revolt against the political System of great Britain, of dynamics. Almost daily, deputies from the two large party of Tories and Labour out of blocks,,. They merge to form a new group in the centre. You the ideological rigidity of the two bearings of fear and their inability to bring the exit from the EU arranged on the stage. They brace themselves against the impending Chaos, calling for pragmatic compromise.
The new movement has no clear contours. You should resist the temptation, she hastily as a “Pro-European”. Or even hoping that it prevents the Brexit. For this, you comes to late. But you will be, according to the estimates of British Insider soon, the third-strongest force in the lower house.
This is a reaction to the Brexit-dislocations confirmed once more: The story reveals a tendency to ironic twists. In the course of great historical upheavals, the original intent of the policy authors is in reverse. Revolutions eat their children. The storming of the Bastille and ended in the next monarchy, now under Napoleon. And the Brexit, the main objective of it was to prevent the idiosyncrasies of the United Kingdom – from the party system up to the British expression of the rule of law – to be shaped and reshaped by the integration of pressure from the European Union, ends in the destruction of the traditional political system.
A crack goes through the parties
The British party landscape has proved to be incapable of changing the core issues of our time to respond and adapt. Against reflects outdated dividing lines of society: the Right against the left, top layer, under layer, bosses against workers. The UK has become a service society, the working class is getting smaller and smaller. The big questions are others: What is the optimal division of labour between the national state and EU-Europe? How to protect a legitimate economic interest, without lapsing into protectionism? Neither the Tories nor Labour have a convincing answer.
In the current core question – how do we keep it with the EU-Europe? – divided British society in about the same sized bearings. A second Referendum would therefore bring no peace. The crack goes through both major parties. The altlinke labour-in-chief Jeremy Corbyn can Conservatives not to a clear counter-course to the rings. Also he seems to have fallen out of time. And he allows for that in his party, the radical voices are louder, including outright anti-Semitism. The right and left of the maze are transported to the Brexit, the extremists.
Europe as a fate question
How could it come to this? If the Europe question to the fate question, would have to in an ideal world, a Pro and a contra party in the Parliament. This is not being done. Because the UK is practiced, unlike Germany, the majority the right to vote. The right to vote has a huge impact on the party system. Majority electoral system encourages the formation of two large Camps. It prevents the emergence of new parties, the record of concern, which were not represented in the two blocks.
In Germany, were able to move the Greens and the AfD due to the proportional electoral law in the parliaments; they had to reach only five percent. For the same reason The Left was able to survive. The majority of this flexibility is missing. It took infinitely long to the British liberal Democrats to jump into the lower house managed as a third force. There, they lead a shadowy existence. The centrists, the escape now, with Labour and the Tories, do not want to join the liberal Democrats, but also and strengthen it. You have the legitimate hope that you are in a few months, the stronger group.
The wrath of discharges
The British System was not able to pacify the displeasure over the Non-representation of the current national fate of the question. The anger has continued to grow and is now being discharged revolutionary. Tory Prime Minister David Cameron had set an EU Referendum in the hope that he could stop the division of his party. The unleashed dynamics will disarm the Tories and, even more, they will make the conventional party system implode.
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In principle, this does not prevent to be welcome – were it not for the risks that conjures up this long-overdue intra-British revolt for Germany and for Europe. The UK finds no orderly way out of the self-created plight. Revolutions devour not only their children, but often innocent bystanders.