Stefan Löfven and Ulf Kristersson, have both received a kind of sonderingsuppdrag by the president for the third statsministeromröstningen on 16 January. During the Friday, they shall both make a report to the president.

S-the leader Löfven is to obtain a sufficiently attractive offer to Annie Lööf and her party – something that failed before christmas, when the powers and the party’s landed in a ” no ” to to release Löfven as prime minister.

Ulf Kristersson has two options to get the support from the Centre party, said C-top, Fredrick Federley to DN before christmas. One is the support of the blockgränsen, an option’s so far declined.

Or so to find a political agreement that is strong enough so that we can rest assured that there is a clear statement that you do not want to put themselves in the position of dependence to the SD.

have the Conservatives not been able to present despite the fact that alliansledarna conversed on a number of occasions during the christmas holidays, according to the DN’s reporting agents.

the DN has searched the leading representatives of the Centre party for an interview. The party secretary Michael Arthursson writes in a comment that it is the responsibility of Leaves and Kristersson.

”the Responsibility for getting a solution to regeringsfrågan before statsministeromröstningen is, above all, on the two statsministerkandidater, as the president pointed out. It remains a complicated situation because a number of parties have so far not been willing to bend on their positions.”

He writes further that the party participating in the call and that it would be ”a big advantage” of the candidate in the third vote is tolerated by the riksdag.”

”Annie Lööf has said is with the Centre constructive. We participate, of course, in call for to contribute to a solution that is the best possible for Sweden on the basis of the situation that we find ourselves in. More parties need to take responsibility for this to be possible.”

31 riksdagsmandat giving the party a decisive role in the formation of the government. Before christmas asked the members of the district council be ready to make a decision in regeringsfrågan. This is regardless of whether the worker’s party and the democratic party want to be part of a blocköverskridande mittensamarbete or if they want to release Ulf Kristersson.

the DN has spoken with several of the party’s district and in some quarters, the debate has already begun. Next week to be a district board in Kronoberg to talk about regeringsfrågan.

– We notice that there is a need to listen and converse about how we look at the events and what kronobergarna says. It is an important part of our way of working, to listen in, ” says Per Schöldberg, (C), chairman of the Kronobergsdistriktet.

But it is not certain that the discussion will culminate in a final decision. It is about creating a ”situational awareness” to pass up, to the worker’s party and the democratic party.

– It may be that we land in that it advocates or here’s the situation in Kronoberg county, in Småland, sweden. It is not red or blue button, it is not so simple, ” he says.